After losing so many people I no longer see the point of living

DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER losing my partner, sister and mother to cancer this year, I no longer see the point of going on.

I just want to join them in heaven, or wherever they are.

I’m only 45 and feel my life is behind me and I will never have loving relationships again.

I’m ashamed to say I have attempted to take my life.

Sometimes I wish I would get cancer or another terminal illness too.

Just existing feels like a punishment, and nobody would care if I wasn’t here.

Every day the realisation they have gone hits me again, just like the first time.

I can’t stop crying, can’t eat and barely sleep. Please help me. It’s all too much to bear.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your grief is overwhelming and unbearable, but the fact you have written to me shows you do want to live.

Please believe there are people who can help, and life can and will get better.

Don’t try to deal with this alone. If you feel suicidal, call The Samaritans, day or night, on 116 123.

My support packs Depression and Bereavement will show you where to get help.



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