Patricia Bullrich, Third Most Voted in Argentina Election, Endorses Javier Milei Against the Peronist ‘Mafia’ – to Save Capitalism and Stop Hyperinflation

In the run-up to the Argentinean presidential elections, all Globalist media focused on speculating about the ‘danger’ posed by the conservative populism from the libertarian outside Javier Milei who was leading in all the polls.

However, after the election’s first round, as the political forces realign for the run-up vote in November, it becomes clear that other conservative players see clearly that the risk for Argentina is the permanence of the present Peronist liberal political class.

‘Most voted’ in the first round, Sergio Massa is the – wait for it – Economy minister that took the once-proud south American country to over 140% inflation rate, and left as much as 40% of the population below the poverty line.

Candidate Patricia Bullrich, who placed third in Sunday’s election, came out and endorsed Javier Milei, in a move that reignites Milei’s chances.

Bullrich, who is a former security minister, received 24% of the vote, compared to the 37% for Economy Minister Sergio Massa and 30% for Milei.

Associated Press reported:

“’In the case of Javier Milei, we have differences, and that’s why we competed. We don’t overlook them. However, we are faced with the dilemma of change or the continuation of a mafia-style governance for Argentina and putting an end to the shame of the present. We have the obligation not to remain neutral’, Bullrich told a news conference.

‘The country needs a fundamental change’, Bullrich added, warning against a ‘continuation of the worst government in history’. Bullrich emphasized that she was speaking on behalf of her presidential team, including running mate Luis Petri, rather than their coalition, making clear that neither the center-right PRO party she leads, nor the broader United for Change coalition, officially backed the decision.”

Milei is a self-described anarcho-capitalist, but you can often see him painted in the less appealing label of ‘far-right’, which is of course, in south America, a slander applied to anyone to the right of Che Guevara.

Milei competed with Bullrich for conservative votes in Sunday’s election. Milei has harshly criticized Bullrich during the campaign, but has recently moderated his tone, and raised the possibility that ‘Pato’ could join his Cabinet if he wins the presidency.

“Shortly after the news conference, Milei posted a cartoon drawing on social media that showed a lion hugging a duck. Milei’s supporters have dubbed him ‘the lion’ while Bullrich’s backers often referred to her as ‘Pato’ (Spanish word for duck), a common nickname for Patricia.

‘We forgave each other’, Bullrich said, revealing that she had met with Milei on Tuesday night. ‘Today, our nation needs us to be able to forgive each other because something very important for the future is at stake’.”

Former President Mauricio Macri, who founded the Bullrich’s PRO party, has spoken positively of Milei in the past, characterizing the popular support he received as ‘a demonstration of the  Argentines’ desire for change’.

Milei went from a successful television career to a seat in Congress, in 2021. He broke the political system where the center-left Peronists and a center-right coalition would take turns on power for decades.

Financial Times reported:

“’To succeed, Argentina needs a change at the roots that will protect capitalism and end money printing to stop inflation’, Bullrich said at a press conference on Wednesday.”

During the campaign Milei accused Bullrich of ‘placing bombs in a kindergarten’ in the 1970s, when she was an operative for a leftist guerrilla group in Argentina.

“Bullrich made her decision after meeting Tuesday night with Milei and Mauricio Macri, the former president and a co-founder of her coalition, Juntos por el Cambio (JxC), who stated his openness to working with Milei earlier this year.”

Read more about Argentina:

Chainsaw Populism: Favorite for Sunday’s Argentina Election, Javier Milei Wants to Take Down the Corrupt, Inefficient State Apparatus

Chainsaw Populism: Favorite for Sunday’s Argentina Election, Javier Milei Wants to Take Down the Corrupt, Inefficient State Apparatus

The post Patricia Bullrich, Third Most Voted in Argentina Election, Endorses Javier Milei Against the Peronist ‘Mafia’ – to Save Capitalism and Stop Hyperinflation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

