BREAKING: House Republicans Elect Trump Ally Rep. Mike Johnson as the New Speaker of the House – 220 Votes! – DID NOT LOSE A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE!

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

A Historic Moment for Louisiana and the GOP as Johnson Emerges Victorious in a Tumultuous Leadership Battle

On Wednesday, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the new House Speaker of the 118th United States Congress after twenty-two days, with fourteen candidates vying, four nominees, and four floor votes.

During the roll call, it was noted that 429 members were present to cast their votes: 220 were Republicans, with one member absent, while 209 were Democrats, with three absentees. Johnson achieved the 220 out of 215 votes needed to claim the sought-after Speaker’s gavel.

Former GOP nominees Jim Jordan, Tom Emmer, Steve Scalise, and former speaker Kevin McCarthy voted for Mike Johnson for House Speaker.

Just hours before the pivotal vote, Johnson took to social media platform X to make a powerful, patriotic statement. Displaying an image of the American flag, with time-honored phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST.”

— Rep. Mike Johnson (@RepMikeJohnson) October 25, 2023

On Tuesday night, Johnson emerged as the GOP’s last man standing, winning the House speaker nomination from his party after several rounds of voting. Throughout the evening, Johnson held a steady lead in the voting, with Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) emerging as his closest competitor.

Upon his election as the Republican candidate for Speaker of the House, Congressman Mike Johnson invited his colleagues in the GOP conference to lower their heads and unite with him in a moment of prayer.

Last night after being elected candidate for Speaker, Congressman Mike Johnson asked the Republican conference to bow their heads and join him in prayer.

We need more leaders like this in DC

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 25, 2023

“Democracy is messy sometimes, but it is our system. This conference that you see, this House Republican majority, is united,” Rep. Johnson said during a press conference Tuesday night.

“We’re going to serve the people of this country. We’re going to restore their faith in this Congress, this institution of government… We’re going to restore your trust in what we do here. You’re going to see a new form of government and we are going to move this quickly. This group here is ready to govern. We’re going to govern well. We’re going to do what’s right by the people and I believe the people are going to reward that next year. But we have a lot of big priorities ahead of us right now. The world is on fire,” he added.

The road to Johnson’s election was far from smooth. The GOP has been embroiled in a tumultuous battle for the speakership, which saw multiple high-profile candidates bow out of the race.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) was initially nominated but withdrew his candidacy when it became evident that he lacked the votes to secure the position.

Last week, the conference also dropped Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) as their nominee after his bid for the speakership failed for the third time on the House floor. Representative Tom Emmer (R-MN) also withdrew his candidacy after failing to garner enough votes.

The leadership vacuum was created following the ouster of Kevin McCarthy. His removal paved the way for a new leadership election, but the process was fraught with internal divisions and public scrutiny.

All the 25 RINOs who voted against conservative favorite Jim Jordan on the third vote on the House floor have voted for Johnson.

Don Bacon (NE-2nd): Patrick McHenry
Vern Buchanan (FL-16th): Byron Donalds
Ken Buck (CO-4th): Tom Emmer
Lori Chavez-Deremer (OR-5th): McHenry
Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th): Scalise
Anthony D’Esposito- (NY-4th): Lee Zeldin
Jake Ellzey (TX-6th) Mike Garcia
Drew Ferguson (GA-3rd): Scalise
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1st): McHenry
Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd): Lee Zeldin
Carlos Gimenez (FL-28th): McCarthy
Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd): Scalise
Kay Granger (TX-12th): Scalise
John James (MI-10th): Scalise
Tom Kean (NJ-7th): McCarthy
Jen Kiggans (VA-2nd): McHenry
Nick LaLota (NY-1st): Zeldin
Mike Kelly (PA-16th): Scalise
Mike Lawler (NY-17th): McHenry
Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd): McHenry
Marc Molinaro (NY-19th): Zeldin
John Rutherford (FL-5th): Scalise
Mike Simpson (ID-2nd): Scalise
Pete Stauber (MN-8th): Bruce Westerman
Steve Womack (AR-3rd): Scalise

Johnson, currently serving his fourth term representing Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District, is no stranger to leadership roles within the Republican Party.

Johnson serves as the Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference and is a key player on the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees. He also holds the position of Deputy Whip for House Republicans. This is his second term as Vice Chairman, and he has previously served as Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, often referred to as the “intellectual arsenal” of Congress and the largest caucus of conservatives on Capitol Hill.

A dedicated husband and father of four, Johnson is deeply rooted in his Christian faith, often leading prayers on Capitol Hill.

Johnson is a constitutional law attorney, having earned his degree from Louisiana State University. He has devoted his career to defending fundamental freedoms and traditional values, both in the courts and in the court of public opinion.

Political Record

Foreign Policy: Johnson has consistently voted against aid to Ukraine, with the exception of the very first aid bill.

Rep. Mike Johnson (R) is the next nominee for House Speaker. Based on his track record, he will end security assistance to Ukraine, which could very well result in Russia eventually exterminating Ukraine and moving on to other European nations. He has a rating of F.

— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) October 25, 2023

Social Issues: He is pro-life and has been a vocal supporter of religious freedom.

Immigration: Johnson supported President Trump’s 2017 executive order that prohibited immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Party Loyalty: He is a policy-driven legislator who votes in line with his GOP colleagues, with a Liberty Score of 74%.

Mike Johnson has a 74% Liberty Score (prior years) and an 84% Heritage Action Score (current year). Not the best, and not the worst! He strongly defended Trump during impeachment hoax #1!

— Super Teddy Books (@SuperTeddy4) October 24, 2023

Per NBC: Johnson’s voting record earns him a lifetime rating of 92% from the American Conservative Union and 90% from Heritage Action.

Experience: With seven years in Congress, Johnson is an experienced lawmaker. This is his fourth term.

Trump Ally: Johnson was a member of President Trump’s legal defense team during both impeachment hearings and has been a staunch ally of the former President.

Ladies and Gentlemen… MIKE JOHNSON!!!

— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) October 25, 2023

Election Integrity: He voted against certifying Biden’s election and has been actively involved in investigations into Biden crime family.

President Trump called me this morning to let me know how much he appreciates the amicus brief we are filing on behalf of Members of Congress. Indeed, “this is the big one!”

— Rep. Mike Johnson (@RepMikeJohnson) December 9, 2020

Constituency: Johnson represents Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District, home to 760,000 residents.

Electoral Success: He won his congressional seat with the largest margin of victory in his region in over 50 years.

Meet Rep Mike Johnson (James Michael Johnson) – his life & his political record:

▪️He has consistently voted AGAINST Ukraine aid, except for the very first aid bill.

▪️He’s pro-life.

▪️He supported President Trumps 2017 executive order, prohibiting immigration from seven…

— ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) October 25, 2023

This is a breaking story, and we will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.

The post BREAKING: House Republicans Elect Trump Ally Rep. Mike Johnson as the New Speaker of the House – 220 Votes! – DID NOT LOSE A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

