Gummies with libido-boosting drug being hailed as bedroom flop stoppers – with effects in just minutes

GUMMY sweets laced with a libido-boosting drug are being hailed as bedroom flop stoppers.

They contain tadalafil — a Viagra-like remedy for male impotence.

Gummy sweets that contain tadalafil could work within minutes — while tablets take up to an hour to produce the desired effectSeattle Gummy Company

Tadalafil tablets take up to an hour to work but the sweets could have the desired effect in minutes.

They dissolve rapidly in the mouth and are absorbed into tiny blood vessels. A trial is under way in the US.

Drugs such as Viagra and tadalafil have transformed erectile dysfunction treatment but the time they take to work can kill the mood.

Seattle Gummy Company, the US company which makes the tadalafil sweets, says they are “the perfect format” for getting healthy vitamins and medicines into the body.

At least one in ten British fellas suffers from erectile dysfunction.

Causes range from diabetes and obesity to hormonal problems and stress.

Studies suggest it’s also an early warning sign of heart disease.

Blood vessels in the pelvis get blocked much sooner than those around the heart because they’re much smaller.

