NYU Student Who Tore Down Posters of Hostages Taken by Hamas Terrorists Identified as Former ADL Intern

Image: @sophiagindi_/Instagram

On Monday, several people were caught on video tearing down dozens of posters displayed on NYU’s campus showing pictures of hostages taken by Hamas after the terrorist attacks on Israel.

HORRIFYING- NYU students walking around campus removing posters featuring missing Israelis being held in Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

The lack of humanity by your students is not only heartbreaking but extremely concerning @nyuniversity @NYUCampusSafety pic.twitter.com/BmTs1OzGF2

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 17, 2023

The Students Supporting Israel NYU Chapter identified the individuals as students.

Today, we witnessed 2 NYU students violently tearing down posters of kidnapped babies, mothers, and grandmothers hanging outside of NYU Buildings. This was done in a laughing manner, exhibiting complete disregard for Jewish lives and Jewish safety.

HERE ARE THE PICTURES. pic.twitter.com/VfEkkQ06sR

— SSI_NYU (@ssi_nyu) October 16, 2023

The New York Post later reported that one of the students was identified as NYU junior Yazmeen Deyhimi.  According to her LinkedIn profile, which has now been removed, Deyhimi once worked for the Anti-Defamation League as an intern.

UPDATE: The two woman ripping down posters of kidnapped Israelis taken into Gaza by Hamas at NYU yesterday have been identified as Hafiza Khalique (left) and Yazmeen Deyhimi (right).

Yazmeen Deyhimi has deleted both of her IG and Twitter accounts; her LinkedIn is still live and… https://t.co/h9IgxFeBuT pic.twitter.com/G7BAToZRi1

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 17, 2023

After being identified, Deyhimi took to Instagram to admit her role in the despicable act.

“I have found it increasingly difficult to know my place as a biracial brown woman, especially during these highly volatile times.”

“I have felt more and more frustrated about the time we currently find ourselves in, and that misplaced anger into actions that are not an accurate representation of who I am as a person.”

“In this age of social media and digital footprint, these moments of anger are selfish and self-absorbed, and not reflective of who I am as a person or who my family had raised me to be.”



The post has now been removed along with Deyhimi’s social media accounts.

On Tuesday, more than 6,800 people signed a petition expressing their outrage and sharing the fear that has impacted Jewish students at NYU and demanding the University address the incident, “These posters were not promoting any political agenda but were simply trying to promote the efforts to return hostages back to their families. It is disturbing that these students chose to prevent the dissemination of information and exhibit a complete disregard for the lives of the hostages. Our fear as Jewish students is valid, and the university needs to create an environment where all students feel safe and respected. NYU has a responsibility to take action against any form of discrimination, including antisemitism, in line with its zero-tolerance policy.”

“In this case, given the seriousness of their actions and the potential harm to the entire NYU community, it is imperative that the university takes appropriate disciplinary measures against Yazmeen Deyhimi and Hafiza Khalique. This action should serve as a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated on campus and that the safety and well-being of all students are of utmost importance.”

The Post reports:

Her accomplice was doxxed as a freshman at the university who serves as a Muslim Youth Leadership Council Member at Advocates for Youth, according to her online profile, while a third student — a male wearing a dark hood — has not yet been identified.


According to her LinkedIn profile, Deyhimi is an advocate against Muslim bigotry and spent a summer working with the ADL as a CSC Education Intern when she was just 15 years old.

“After review, we can confirm that one of the participants was part of an ADL high-school level summer internship in 2019,” a spokesperson for the organization told The Post.

“We fully condemn her actions and hope that the apology she issued is the first step towards working to repair the harm and deep hurt her actions caused.”

An ADL blog post, featuring Deyhimi, was made private “to protect the other 11 students that were in Deyhimi’s cohort,” according to a statement to The Post.

Image: @badlibtakes/X

One of them is is Yazmeen Deyhimi.

She interned with the ADL in 2019, where she joined the No Place for Hate committee.https://t.co/UBdT5ZBpRY https://t.co/hNmHmEzUZC pic.twitter.com/QFfD7MzMQK

— Midwest Mom (@badlibtakes) October 17, 2023

The post NYU Student Who Tore Down Posters of Hostages Taken by Hamas Terrorists Identified as Former ADL Intern appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

