Sharika Soal: Israel vs. Hamas Explained For People Who Don’t Understand and Why Immigration Moving Forward Is An Act Of War

Guest post by Sharika Soal

Everyone from every corner of the internet suddenly thinks they are foreign relations experts as of October 7th, and opposing political parties have been fighting on social media over which side they want to win.

Ultimately, it’s like the Super Bowl, and the smartest thing you can do if you aren’t interested in being dogpiled online during this tumultuous time is to keep your opinion to yourself, but this is America. Several celebrities, including Kylie Jenner, have recently spoken out about Israel Vs Hamas attacks and received outrage in her comment section.

She wound up losing 1 million Instagram followers overnight. Lebron James also posted a statement that was similarly met with confusion and backlash. The entertainment and production company LeBron James founded in 2020, SpringHill Company, posted a joint statement with Maverick Carter on Instagram, describing “the devastation in Israel” as “tragic and unacceptable.” Mia Khalifa, whose team, Hamas, posted her support of Hama several times on different platforms, which resulted in her losing her partnership with Playboy.

So what does all of this mean, and why are celebrities posting about things that are best left to the experts?  Let me help break it down in the simplest terms for the average lazy political reader. What is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and what does Hamas want? Here’s what you should know, and don’t worry; I will simplify it. 

Israel was officially established as a country in 1948 to provide a safe haven for Jewish people after the Holocaust. Still, despite Jewish occupation, there was an Arab majority and minorities, including Christians, who were referred to as Palestinians who didn’t want to give up their land to establish a Jewish State.

Britain, which at the time ruled the area as part of its empire, proposed creating another country for Palestinians that would exist alongside Israel and be called Palestine. However, the neighboring Arab countries were like, “Oh hell no,” and were not going for that plan. They thought Palestine should have all the land. They wanted the entire area, including Israel, so they went to war, and Israel taught them how to F*** around and find out”. Israel not only won that war but also ended up controlling more land than was initially planned.

Fast forward to today, Palestinians mainly live in two areas that were captured by Israel in 1967: the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government controls access to and movement within these areas, especially Gaza, which some human rights activists say is the equivalent of a ghetto New York prison with no walls. Local elections were held in 2006; since then, Gaza and the area around it have been at the center of the fighting. Hamas has controlled Gaza, but it’s considered a terrorist organization by countries including the UK and the US.

Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and believes that Palestine should cover the whole area from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. Both Hamas and Israel have been accused of war crimes for their attacks on civilians on both sides of the conflict. Until now, Israel has been well-defended with its powerful military and its Iron Dome, which usually shoots down rockets from Gaza before they can hit Israeli cities, and that’s partly why

This latest attack from Hamas is so shocking. Thousands of civilians and soldiers have been killed and dozens more taken hostage by Hamas, and Israelis have responded by killing hundreds more in Gaza. It seems no one in the US or Israel saw this coming.

What does this mean for Americans? One takeaway should be that the people attacking Israel’s women and children most likely have access to American states via illegal immigration. That should make any American living in a major U.S. city concerned, and it should concern both political parties.

However, it appears the left has again decided to ignore the violent reality of supporting foreign policy. Members of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Cori Bush released statements on their websites and social media platforms demanding a “cease-fire.” 

Congresswoman Cori Bush said, in her statement about Israel, “I am heartbroken by the ongoing violence in Palestine and Israel, and I mourn the over 250 Israeli and 230 Palestinian lives that have been lost today.” She added, “I strongly condemn the targeting of civilians, and I urge an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation to prevent further loss of life.”

What some well-meaning Americans fail to realize with leadership like this is that we may never be a civilized society ever again. The motive behind the left’s demand to cease fire comes from the same stance that white skin and law enforcement are evil and anyone with a hint of brown is automatically a victim. It’s a covert way of pushing the “take away all the guns because white supremacy is bad” agenda. Are members of Congress who oversee our elections and laws keeping us safe by signaling support to hostile foreign countries that regularly apply for visas to work in America? 

Is that not some form of election interference? I may not be qualified to answer that, but it’s worth considering. Election season is approaching fast, and our supposed leaders refusing to close the borders while simultaneously dog-whistling to hostile entities just months prior may disrupt these proceedings. Then we will have another Biden or worse, maybe an attack. 

It all comes down to Anti-whiteness, which takes on many subtle forms, including your nonwhite leaders signaling to other countries to commit genocide during a war that has nothing to do with them. Anti-whiteness doesn’t just affect the white race. It affects all of us and is dangerous to those individuals who nonwhites victimize. America and the lazy political reader should rethink supporting things they wouldn’t want to happen in America. 

The post Sharika Soal: Israel vs. Hamas Explained For People Who Don’t Understand and Why Immigration Moving Forward Is An Act Of War appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

