The common drink that can ramp up your sex drive and intensify your orgasms

YOUR morning coffee could do wonders for your sex life, a doctor has suggested.

We all know coffee can pull us out of a sleepy haze in the morning.

Coffee could help intensify your orgasms (credit: dr.karanr)

But some research suggests a caffeine boost can also make orgasms more intense and ramp up sex drive.

Responding to a video posted on TikTok, which touted the sexual benefits of the drink, Dr Raj Karan, an NHS doctor explained how the chemical found in your cup of joe affects the body and sex organs.

“At high doses, caffeine widens the blood vessels and increase blood flow.

“Arousal and orgasms largely based on the amount of blood flowing to your brown jewels.

“The better your circulation the more flow to your erectile tissue and therefore the more likely you are to reach a state of arousal which sets the stage for a great orgasm.”

Unfortunately, the only research we have on this, is on female rats.

A 2005 study did suggest a correlation between caffeine and sex among the rodents.

So we can’t be entirely sure caffeine has same same effect on the genitalia of humans.

“However, caffeine is still a stimulant so perhaps the increased alertness and heart rate makes people more active,” Dr Raj added.

A separate study, found men who drank coffee were less likely to experience erectile dyfunction that those who didn’t.

The research, published in PLOS One, found drinking two to three cups of coffee a day was enough to help reduce the risk of ED.

Researchers analysed data from 3,724 men to see how their caffeine intake affected their chances of suffering ED.

People who drank that amount were around 40 per cent less likely to suffer the condition than those who drank no coffee.

