King Charles III Reportedly Considered Britain’s Infamous Pedophile Jimmy Savile for Godfather of Prince Harry

As British King Charles III kicks off his reign, he goes about implementing the ideas that he has been nurturing during the decades he waited for this moment.

As he does so, he deals with the constant PR nightmare that is his brother, Prince Andrew, due to his long relationship with the late convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

But the new King regularly uses the trouble brother as a shield to any troubles that can come his way – so, if a new scandal erupts in his charitable foundation, you bet a new scandalous revelation about Andrew will pop up just in time to take all the air of the news cycle.

One is left wondering at how unfair this is, in a way since the King himself had a decades-long with the UK’s most infamous pedophile and alleged rapist, BBC star Jimmy Savile.

Now, one of Britain’s biggest newspapers breaks a story about this most questionable relationship.

Daily Mail, reported:

“King Charles’s friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by my disclosure here that after Prince Harry’s birth in 1984 he had been included in a long list of names of potential godfathers.”

The selection of possible Godfathers was written by Charles and seen by his then private secretary, the late Edward Adeane.

“Adeane was aware that Charles would not listen to any argument against Savile. Having a fractious relationship with Diana, he felt he could not approach Harry’s mother. 

He did discuss it with Sir Alastair Aird, the Queen Mother’s comptroller, who was duly horrified and assured Adeane that the matter would be ‘dealt with’. Savile didn’t make the final six.”

The details of Savile’s crimes emerged to the general public following his death in 2011, but it was widely known in the corridors of power.

while the Mail story hasn’t been corroborated by other news vehicles yet, if we look at Honorable George Edward Adeane, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order,  we find that the barrister and royal advisor served as Private Secretary to the Prince of Wales from 1979 to 1985, coincidently or not, a year after he reportedly worked to keep Savile from becoming Prince Harry’s Godfather.

While the story about Jimmy Savile as Harry’s Godfather is still perhaps a bit thin, the scope of then-Prince Charles and Jimmy Savile’s friendship has been very well established, as is the case of a last year’s Netflix Documentary.

Charles repeatedly sought the advice of Savile, who allegedly spent decades sexually abusing women and children – even going so far as to take this monster’s  suggestions to the Queen.

Over the course of about 20 years of friendship, Savile became something of an unofficial adviser to Charles.

The Guardian reported:

“The makers of the Netflix documentary Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story have revealed that Savile produced a PR handbook for royals and their staff. Some of that advice was then incorporated in a note prepared for the Queen, the Times reported.”

The memo followed an incident in which Prince Andrew made insensitive comments about the Lockerbie bombing, during a visit to the disaster site in 1988.

Savile wrote an in-depth advisory document, dealing on how the Queen should behave and the behavior of other royal family members.

“In a handwritten note to Savile, Charles later wrote: ‘I attach a copy of my memo on disasters, which incorporates your points and which I showed to my father. He showed it to [the Queen]’. Speaking to the Times, [documentary producer] Deacon claimed Buckingham Palace’s response was ‘quite lukewarm, and Charles [was] frustrated by that. We know that from the exchange’.”

This was far from the only time the now-Monarch asked advice from the notorious villain.

“In another note in 1989, he wrote: ‘I wonder if you would ever be prepared to meet my sister-in-law – [Sarah Ferguson] the Duchess of York? Can’t help feeling that it would be extremely useful to her if you could. I feel she could do with some of your straightforward common sense!’

In a letter written the following year, Charles told Savile he was ‘so good at understanding what makes people operate and you’re wonderfully skeptical and practical’.”

All the UK papers are quick to clarify that there is no suggestion Prince Charles ever knew anything about Savile’s crimes, but that would mean that his personal secretary would be better informed than the Prince of Wales, and that really seems unlikely.

Read more about King Charles III:

King Charles’ Scandal-Plagued Charity Escapes Criminal Investigation Again, Despite Proof of ‘Cash-For-Honors’ Scheme

The post King Charles III Reportedly Considered Britain’s Infamous Pedophile Jimmy Savile for Godfather of Prince Harry appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

