Devastated Tottenham ace Ben Davies in desperate plea to find missing dog ‘carried away by two girls’ outside restaurant

TOTTENHAM star Ben Davies has put out a desperate please to find his missing dog.

The defender revealed his pomeranian, named Twiggy, went missing during a trip to Oxford Street.

Ben Davies has put out a plea for his missing dog

‘Twiggy’ was last spotted being carried out of a restaurant

Davies claimed to have seen two girls carrying his dog out of the restaurant Bone Daddies, near Selfridges.

So he has taken to Instagram to alert members of the public to the missing dog, and has offered a reward for information about its whereabouts.

His message reads: “Our dog is missing by Selfridges. Please DM if you see her.

“Last season wrapped in a blanket being carried by two girls with long dark hair outside Bone Daddies near Selfridges London.

“Any information please DM. Reward offered.”

Davies’ wife Emily Caplan also shared photos of the dog and made the same appeal to anyone who might have seen her.

Emily has previously shared photos of Twiggy on social media – the designer appears to be a big dog lover.

Davies could look to his Spurs team-mate Richarlison for help after the Brazilian found his dog within two hours of launching an appeal after his husky went missing in 2019.

Richarlison’s urgent message reached thousands of people and his runaway Acerola was soon found.

