WATCH Democrat ‘Squad Leader’ Speaks To The Gateway Pundit, Cheers J6 Capitol Hill Police Who Killed 4 Trump Supporters and Over-Sentencing of Conservative Political Prisoners

A member of the Democrat ‘Squad’ flip-flopped on her self-proclaimed life-long advocacy of “improving prison conditions” and “overturning wrongful convictions” within seconds when pressed by The Gateway Pundit to address the shellshocking over-sentencing of January 6 political prisoners.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., initially assured she is committed to “the real fight of criminal reform” when confronted by this reporter outside the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC.

“There have always been two justice systems in this country, one for the wealthy and well-connected, and one for everybody else,” Pressley told TGP in an exclusive interview. “If people, in earnest, really do want to work on on issues, or relative to criminal legal reform, and improving prison conditions and overturning wrongful convictions, I certainly welcome their partnership.”

The “anti-racist” lawmaker then sang a different tune about the January 6 defendants.


J6ers, who have a 99 percent conviction rate and are being handed longer sentences than murderers, rapists, and pedophiles for their trespassing in the Capitol building while peacefully protesting a stolen election, deserve to be tortured in a gulag, Pressey argued.

“I’ve been in this fight for a long time in a meaningful way when it comes to criminal legal reform and having a justice system that is one that is truly just for everyone. We have a long way to go. You and I disagree on who’s actually been adversely impacted by that system as someone who was here on January 6,” she scolded.

Pressley and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., incepted the so-called progressive ‘squad’ of lawmakers when they took office after the 2018 midterms.

The Massachusetts congresswoman notoriously called for national “civil unrest” following the death of George Floyd.

Pressley, in tandem with other high-ranking Democrats, rubber-stamped looting and rioting in 2020 amid an “emergency” shutdown of the US economy.

Eagerly exploiting militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups to sow racial division, Pressley routinely urged her constituents to burn down cities across the nation in a desperate effort to defund the police in the name of “social justice.”

“There will be unrest in our streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives,” she proclaimed to state-run media ahead of the 2020 presidential race. “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.”

The Biden administration is weaponizing the Federal Bureau of Investigations against patriots in the same manner the Clinton administration weaponized law enforcement against black and Hispanic men, deemed “super predators” in the the Biden-supported 1995 Clinton Crime bill, this reporter shot back.

Pressley has warned, “The roots of policing can be traced to the antebellum slave patrols of the South, which led to the establishment of all-white police departments.”

But the globalist mouthpiece emphatically defended and commended the allegedly “all-white” cops who murdered Americans on January 6.

The cops who indiscriminately fired rubber bullets, tear gas and flash grenades at a crowd of peaceful protesters surrounding the building historically revered as The People’s House are “the real patriots, Pressley admonished.

“I don’t think any of those folks are patriots,” Pressley replied, chiding January 6ers. “We were able to do the work that we needed to do only because a custodial staff, who were true patriots were in the midst of their own trauma and a day of violence and real terror, made it possible for us to continue doing our business. Those are the real patriots.”

Lt. Michael Byrd, who shot Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt dead in broad daylight, was promoted after the murder, while Officer Lila Morris who beat slain Roseanne Boyland’s unconscious body dead while she was in the midst of being trampled on the ground among a “pile” of bodies.

Pressley championed the cops who were promoted for cold-blood homicides.

“I’m grateful to all those who were doing the work of — of keeping everyone safe on a day when there was an imminent threat to members of Congress, to our staff, to personnel, to other first responders,” she gleamed. “It was a traumatic day. And I think anyone who contributed to a day of such terror and trauma should be taken into account.”

The post WATCH Democrat ‘Squad Leader’ Speaks To The Gateway Pundit, Cheers J6 Capitol Hill Police Who Killed 4 Trump Supporters and Over-Sentencing of Conservative Political Prisoners appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

