Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Repatriation of US Taxpayer Dollars Sent to Ukraine (VIDEO)

On Tuesday Rep. Matt Gaetz joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the upcoming spending bill and the continued funding of the Ukrainian War and the Biden DOJ’s open war on Trump supporters.

Republican leader Kevin McCarthy is eager to fund these rogue departments as they continue to persecute his party members and even President Trump.

What is wrong with this guy? Do ANY Republican leaders have any fight in them? Good grief!

Matt Gaetz wants to bring the lost billions in Ukraine back home to the states. What a hero!

Steve Bannon: I want to go to one of the leaders of that what they call the far right agents of chaos. He’s laid out a theory of governance here that is actually logical and the only way we can have an adult conversation about the fiscal crisis that’s upon us. A couple of things before I get to Ukraine and the congressman’s remarks about you, Congressman Gatetz. A lot of people are sitting there going, well, Steve, it is an 8% cut. Can you please explain The War Room posse loves information, and particularly when they call today at 202-25-3121 to give them the old what for? Can you explain this 8% cut, Congressman Gaetz?

Matt Gaetz: Yeah, I’ll get to the 8%. I have to respond to what you just played, because what they’re saying “governing is” their vision of governing is one up or down vote on all these disparate agencies of government. That is not governing. That is functioning as a conveyor belt for the administrative state. Okay? What I want to do is governing individually, going through all these things and then on Ukraine. Catch the signal there. She considers continuing the Ukraine policy of Pelosi and McConnell negotiated in the omnibus as a rollback. So now in Washington, speak, if you’re not for another Ukraine supplemental maybe another 28 billion, maybe another 100 billion. If you’re not for that, you’re for a rollback. Actually, you know what? I actually am for a rollback. I would repatriate every dollar that is in any joint account that we could bring back to our country. And I wouldn’t send another nickel to Ukraine. That’s Europe’s war. That war ends the moment Europe wants it to…

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