Camp Rock star Alyson Stoner says their eating disorder was a ‘strategy for survival’ growing up in the spotlight

Camp Rock star Alyson Stoner has opened up their struggles with disordered eating.

Stoner, now 30, has shared the dark details of their Disney Channel upbringing on their podcast Dear Hollywood.

In an episode titled Becoming a Product: Eating Disorders and Body Image, Stoner says when they entered showbiz at only nine years old, their idea of self completely shifted. 

“I was acutely aware that my body had become a topic of discussion….my body was celebrated by some, scorned by others. Gorgeous to some, atrocious to others,” the star, who uses they/them pronouns, said. 

“The six-year-old who was at ease in their skin was eclipsed by a pre-teen who was already in a chokehold of perfectionism.”

Known for their roles in Cheaper by the Dozen, Step Up and Camp Rock, Stoner revealed they took extreme measures to seem more ‘desirable and hirable’.

While Stoner went through puberty, their career was skyrocketing, but their body image and sense of self only became harder to understand. 

Meanwhile, things weren’t good at home. Stoner alleged their stepfather was ‘grossly abusive’ while their mother had a severe drinking problem.

Looking for any way to escape, Stoner first sought some kind of direction and control through faith and later, when that was no longer working, turned to obsessive eating behaviours. 

“I was already estranged from normal kids my age but these health issues exacerbated my sense of isolation,” they explained.

At first, Stoner suffered orthorexia, they became obsessive with healthy and ‘pure’ eating. This soon evolved into severe diet restriction, exercise bulimia and binge eating.

Stoner explained that their behaviours were not only a result of the pressures placed on them as a child in showbiz, but also were a way of seeking some kind of control amidst a chaotic life. 

“Its grip was wrapped around my core identity. My sense of purpose and belonging. It was my strategy for survival,” they said.

By the time Stoner was 13, they were taking measures to track every bite of food they consumed.

Not long later, Stoner began to suffer from severe health issues as a result of their disordered eating behaviours. 

They had started losing hair, suffering body acne and low bone density, dark eye circles had appeared and they had become anaemic, often unable to sit or lie down without getting bruises where bones were protruding. 

Stoner made attempts to seek help, but the strategies they were provided with weren’t enough to solve the issues. 

They explained that on the set of Camp Rock, they would steal food from the set, binge eat, and go to the gym at 2am to ‘work it off’.

By this time, Stoner’s disordered eating had swung from the restrictive end of the spectrum to binge eating, they said that they would eat until they felt ‘full or numb’. 

At 17, Stoner was hospitalised and admitted to rehab for further treatment, focusing on both their disordered eating and their mental health as a whole.

Stoner says they have now made a full recovery, switching to a plant based diet after five years of balanced eating.

They said they are focused on individualised wellness, and no longer own a scale.

Anyone needing support with eating disorders or body image issues is encouraged to contact the Butterfly National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE) or [email protected]. You can also call the Eating Disorders Victoria Helpline on 1300 550 23 or Lifeline on 13 11 14 for urgent support.

