Millions of Brits say they’ve found valuable items in the attic – but many are too scared to explore theirs

MILLIONS of Brits  have “cash in the attic” but many are too scared to go up into their loft.

A poll of 2,000 homeowners with lofts found 26 per cent have no idea what’s up there, with 13 per cent who haven’t been up worried they’ll get stuck.

SWNSA survey has revealed many Brits don’t like venturing up into their loft[/caption]

A further 16 per cent are concerned about falling through the ceiling while 16 per cent have no ladder.

As a result of rarely exploring their attic space, 42 per cent of those with loft insulation have no idea what kind they have.

The research, which was commissioned by EDF, also found 26 per cent don’t like exploring their loft space.

With worrying they’ll fall over (37 per cent) it’s dirty (31 per cent) and poor lighting (25 per cent) among the reasons they don’t like venturing up there.

Of those that have been to the top of the house, more than half (54 per cent) have had a rummage in the last month, but nearly one in 10 (seven per cent) haven’t been up in over 12 months.

But when they have done, 26 per cent have found an interesting and unexpected item, with intriguing attic finds including a WW1 German coin, a false leg, £500 in cash and a telescope.

While 14 per cent went up to put something away, nearly one in 10 have gone up to fetch Christmas decorations, lights or the tree.

With only six per cent exploring their attic to see if their loft insulation needed improving.

The research, conducted via OnePoll, also found only a third (34 per cent) of homeowners are aware loft insulation should be inspected periodically to check it’s still in good condition.

With just one in 10 planning on reviewing their loft insulation to check it’s good enough.

And 19 per cent of people don’t know what to look for when checking the condition of their home insulation.

Nearly a quarter (24 per cent) have no loft insulation, and only half believe installing it is a cost-effective way to reduce energy bills.


1.            I’m worried I’ll fall over while up there

2.            It’s dirty

3.            Poor lighting

4.            I’m scared of spiders

5.            It’s cold

6.            Falling right through the ceiling below

7.            I can’t stand up straight and it hurts my back

8.            Rickety ladder

9.            It’s creepy

10.          It’s messy

11.          I might bang my head

12.          I don’t like confined spaces

13.          I’m worried I might get stuck

14.          I can never find the thing I need

15.          I can’t be bothered

16.          I live on my own and need help getting up there

17.          It reminds me of jobs I need to do

18.          I will waste time going through old things

19.          It’s frustrating

20.          I don’t want to get splinters

Insight from the Energy Savings Trust shows it costs, on average, £480 to install mineral wool insulation into a loft at the recommended depth of 270mm for a semi-detached home, which could result in a saving of up to £355 a year on energy bills for these homeowners.

Philippe Commaret, managing director for customers at EDF, which is working with The Eco Scheme to offer customers Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for a fixed fee, said: “Good quality loft insulation can have a significant impact on energy bills, so it’s surprising to learn how few homeowners are aware of the type of insulation they have, or what to look out for to check its condition.

“The good news is it’s simple to check if your insulation is up to scratch the next time you go up or fetch down the Christmas decorations.

“Dampness, damage, thin coverings and signs of mould are key things to consider when looking for signs to act on.

“If you’re not sure what you’re looking for or you have problems getting up there it’s worth enlisting some help, as preventing heat escaping from your loft will definitely keep your house warmer and lower your energy bills.”

GettyThe poll found that 26 per cent of Brits had found something of value stashed away in their loft[/caption]  Read More 
