Three clever products to help treat gastrointestinal disorders and stop you feeling bloated

GASTROINTESTINAL disorders account for 25 per cent of GP visits but new research shows acid reflux drugs could raise the risk of dementia by up to a third.

The study looked at drugs called proton pump inhibitors and found people who took them for more than four and a half years had a higher dementia risk.

Silicogel sachets are portable and can even be taken without water[/caption]

PPIs may reduce vitamin B12 levels, which can affect the brain.

Today Jane Atkinson looks at the healthier alternatives.

Digestive gel

SILICOLGEL is a gel that treats ­stomach pain, abdominal discomfort, flatulence, reflux, nausea and ­heartburn.

Its new sachets are portable and you can take them without water (although be warned, they are very chalky and much better diluted).

Basically a gel, made up of silicon and oxygen, it coats the stomach and upper ­gastrointestinal tract with a protective lining which then attracts and binds with irritants, toxins and pathogens.

When the stomach empties naturally, these unwanted molecules are passed through the body.

The gel can also bind with gases and reduce excess acidity which can help reduce flatulence.

Great for bunging in your bag to take on holiday after too much rich food and booze.

£10.95 for 12 sachets,

Viridian pills are really effective for combating that bloating feeling[/caption]


VIRIDIAN High Potency Digestive Aid contains broad-spectrum digestive enzymes which play a key role in breaking down the food you eat.

Your saliva naturally contains digestive enzymes and they speed up chemical reactions that turn nutrients into substances your digestive tract can absorb.

The Viridian pills also contain betaine hydrochloride, a ­vitamin-like substance for ­people who have a deficiency of stomach acid production – which decreases as you age – plus peppermint and ginger to aid digestion.

I love that Viridian uses no bulking agents or preservatives.

These are a bit stinky but you just knock back a pill three times a day, 30 minutes before food, and the ingredients are activated in the stomach.

These are great. I found that they really helped to ease bloating.

90 caps, £21.25,

Taking artichoke three times a day with meals can have a positive impact[/caption]

Artichoke extract

ARTICHOKE leaf is thought to protect the liver from damage and promote the growth of new tissue. It also increases bile secretion to help the digestion of dietary fats.

Plus it contains inulin, a prebiotic fibre that stimulates the growth of “friendly” probiotic bacteria in the bowel.

A study found that taking artichoke three times a day with meals can reduce symptoms of bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain and constipation.

The trial found that benefits were noticed by 84 per cent of participants within ten days.

It also promotes the production of “good” HDL-cholesterol while lowering “bad” LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides.

Healthspan Artichoke gives 360mg artichoke extract and 7.2mg of active ingredient cynarin.

120 tablets £11.45,

