LONG BEACH ISLAND, NJ – Over Labor Day weekend, Steve Houser was out in the water of Long Beach Island, New Jersey, when he noticed a rip current forming and a swimmer struggling to escape it.
A surfer and a Marine veteran, Houser was initially spending time with his family in the water and recording a YouTube video. Then he noticed the water become rougher and the texture of the water change, cluing him to the fact that a rip current was developing.
“The situation was definitely weird,” he said. “It was definitely given more of like a sucking feeling.”
Houser said that he followed his instinct and intuition and brought his family to shore. Afterward, he noticed one man struggling to breathe and stay afloat in the water.
The camera he was wearing captured the moment when Houser swam toward the swimmer, named Gabriel, bringing over a blue and orange floatation device. Gabriel grabs one of the straps on the board and, with the help of another swimmer, pulls himself onto it to keep his head and shoulders above the choppy waves.
“I was thankful to have a board and get Gabriel on that board,” Houser said.
Rip currents plagued East Coast beaches over Labor Day weekend due to once-Hurricane Idalia churning in the Atlantic and creating high surf conditions. A number of swimmers were caught in the rip currents, leading to several rescues and a few deaths.