Bus Driver on Leave After Trapping Children Inside Hot School Bus (VIDEO)

A bus driver in De Soto County, Mississippi is on leave after refusing to let children off the school bus. In desperation, the children climbed out of the window and were helped by a parent waiting by the bus.

WREG News 3:

DESOTO CO., Miss. — A DeSoto County school bus driver is on leave after she refused to let elementary school students off of her bus.

A Facebook Live by Misty Grubbs shows the moments her fifth grader Bella Gibbs and other Center Hill Elementary School students were on a bus with a driver who was not opening the door to release the students.

Throughout the video, you can see kids begin to be pulled off the bus through windows, crying, screaming, and looking for their parents.

WREG News: “You can see kids begin to be poured off the bus through windows, crying, screaming and looking for their parents.”

Parent: “Why did the bus sit there for 40 minutes, with children on it, as hot as it is?”

This all started when a student refused to hand over a phone. The driver then pulled over and refused to drive. She was a substitute driver, who was put on leave. A new driver has been assigned to the route.


The post Bus Driver on Leave After Trapping Children Inside Hot School Bus (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

