From reduced cancer risk to beating stress, eight ways that having sex can help you live longer

HEALTH may not be top of your list when it comes to having sex, but experts say getting it on can actually help you live longer.

From heart health to memory, fighting infections and strengthening your immune system, a romp promises surprising benefits for both body and mind.

GettySex brings benefits for your body and mind and even helps you to live longer[/caption]

In April, a Japanese study revealed men with a high sex drive live longer than their peers.

Researchers took data from 8,500 men over seven years and found that those who were interested in sex at the start of the study had a 69 per cent lower risk of dying by the end of it.

Doctors agree and today Sun on Sunday Health reveals exactly how fooling around can prolong your life and improve your physical and mental health.

Dr Jenny Ellenbogen, NHS and ZoomDoc Health GP, said: “Sex, as part of a consensual and healthy relationship, can offer many physical and mental health benefits that can help you to live longer, and the good news is it doesn’t even matter how long you last in the bedroom.

“Even a few seconds or minutes is good for you. Doing the deed gets your heart rate going and brings a host of other benefits that might surprise you.

“Sex is not just about pleasure or making babies, it can also significantly influence our well-being.

“Whether you do it once a week, monthly or daily, there are a long list of ways it keeps you healthier and living longer.”

Here, Dr Ellenbogen reveals eight of them . . . 

IMPROVED HEART HEALTH: Sex is a form of physical activity and can help get your blood pumping around the body, improving cardiovascular health and decreasing the risk of big killers like high blood pressure and heart attacks.

Most sex sessions offer the equivalent heart benefits to doing some light gardening.

If you do it as often as four or five times a week then it adds up to more like walking a mile.

IMMUNITY: An academic study of more than 100 students in romantic relationships found that those who had frequent sex (one to two times a week) had much more immunoglobulin A (IgA) – the antibody that helps guard against illnesses — in their saliva than those who had infrequent sex (less than once a week).

Because antibodies are the body’s first defence against all sorts of infections, from tummy bugs and colds and coughs to sexually transmitted diseases, getting it on — especially in winter when infections are common — offers even more benefits than just keeping you warm.

PAINKILLER: Headaches are a well-known excuse for not having sex but getting passionate could be just what the doctor ordered.

The happy hormone endorphin and the pain-relieving hormone oxytocin, which is also known as the love drug, are released during orgasm.

They have been found to act as natural painkillers to help ease everything from headaches to arthritis pain and menstrual cramps.

In a study of migraine sufferers, 60 per cent reported an improvement when they had sex while suffering symptoms and 70 per cent had moderate to complete pain relief.

AlamyRegular sex can even cut the risk of cancer for men, according to a study[/caption]

REDUCED CANCER RISK: Researchers have found a link between frequent sex and a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

Frequent ejaculations, especially in young men, is linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer later in life.

The study revealed that men who averaged 4.6 to seven ejaculations a week were 36 per cent less likely to receive a prostate cancer diagnosis before the age of 70, when compared to men who reported ejaculating 2.3 or fewer times a week on average.

STRONGER MUSCLES: There are added health benefits for women too.

The contractions that occur during orgasm strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that help prevent urinary incontinence and improve sexual function.

A strengthened pelvic floor also has other benefits including a reduced chance of prolapse.

BETTER SLEEP: After an orgasm, the body releases prolactin, a hormone that is responsible for feelings of relaxation and sleepiness.

This can help improve sleep quality which, in turn, allows your body to repair for the next day, helps you to focus and supports memory function.

AlamySex is a natural antidepressant and is proven to lift your mood[/caption]

LESS DEPRESSION: Having sex — and especially orgasms — helps release a range of endorphins and neurotrans­mitters, which boost mood and provide feelings of satisfaction and happiness.

These all act as natural antidepressants.

Women who orgasm more from sex have been found to be happier in their relationships with improved mental health which contribute to a happier, longer life.

STRESS BUSTER: Regular sex is brilliant for reducing stress.

It can enhance feelings of self-worth and reduce anxiety.

The intimacy associated with sexual activity can foster a deep emotional connection and in­crease the feeling of security and support between bed partners.

Anything that keeps stress levels down reduces the risk of the big killers: Heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure.

