Family of Utah Man Killed by Biden’s FBI Release Statement Following His Tragic Death: “As an Elderly–and Largely Homebound–Man… He Has Never, and Would Never, Commit Any Act of Violence”

Source: Craig Robertson/Facebook

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that 75-year-old Utah man and Trump supporter Craig Robertson was shot and killed early Wednesday morning during an FBI raid.

According to reports, Robertson was facing three counts after posting threats to Joe Biden: Interstate threats, threats against the president, and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat.

Robertson allegedly threatened to kill Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and officials prosecuting Trump in a series of social media posts.

Credit: The Salt Lake Tribune
Credit: The Salt Lake Tribune

Now new details including video from the incident have emerged which cast doubt on how much of a threat he actually posed.

A vigilant neighbor shot this 23-second clip in the moments leading up to Robertson’s death. The footage shows agents in protective clothing advancing on his door and yelling at him.

After several words are exchanged, one agent then throws a smoke bomb, which explodes near the elderly man’s front door.

At no time is Robertson firing at FBI agents during the incident.


BREAKING: A neighbor recorded and released a video of the FBI raid on 74-year-old Craig Deleeuw Robertson while serving warrants at 6:15am in Provo, Utah

Robertson was shot and killed in the encounter

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) August 10, 2023

While the actual shooting is not displayed on tape, The Daily Mail notes that photos from the scene show Robertson lying on his back, dead on the sidewalk in front of his house.

Attorney Marina Medvin notes that the FBI is almost certainly not telling the full story. She reveals that Robertson is morbidly obese and would have a hard time effectively carrying out an assassination attempt.

Moreover, he could barely walk with a cane and took care of his disabled son.

“Despite his detailed and gruesome posts, neighbors said Robertson was a frail, elderly man who used a cane and not someone they considered dangerous.” the New York Post reported.

“There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” neighbor Andrew Maunder said, according to The Post.

Here is a photo of Craig Robertson in Provo, a carpenter, who had recently organized a group of volunteers to build a ramp for a disabled neighbor

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) August 10, 2023

The family wrote that they were “shocked and devastated by the senseless and tragic killing of our beloved father and brother.”

In a Facebook post, the family said “as an elderly–and largely homebound–man,” Robertson “has never, and would never, commit any act of violence against another human being over a political or philosophical disagreement.”

Read the full statement below:

We, the family of Craig Deeluew Robertson, are shocked and devastated by the senseless and tragic killing of our beloved father and brother, and we fervently mourn the loss of a good and decent man.

The Craig Robertson we knew was a kind and generous person who was always willing to assist another in need, even when advanced age, limited mobility, and other physical challenges made it more difficult and painful for him to do so.

He often used his expert woodworking skills to craft beautiful and creative items for others, including toys such as sleighs, rocking horses, and bubble gum dispensers for the children of friends and neighbors at Christmas time. He was active in his local church congregation and loved the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart.

He was a devoted dog lover all his life, and he lavished his animals with love and affection. He was a lover of history and an avid reader of every kind of book. In his younger years, he was a sportsman and hunter.

He was a firearm enthusiast, collector and gunsmith, who staunchly supported the constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms for the purposes of providing food and protection for his family and home.

As a safety inspector in the steel industry, he worked diligently and conscientiously to safeguard the lives and well-being of untold thousands who would use, and benefit from, the numerous industrial and public works projects he was responsible for during the course of a decades-long career.
Craig loved this country with all his heart. He saw it as a God-inspired and God-blessed land of liberty. He was understandably frustrated and distraught by the present and on-going erosions to our constitutionally protected freedoms and the rights of free citizens wrought by what he, and many others in this nation, observed to be a corrupt and overreaching government.

As an elderly–and largely homebound–man, there was very little he could do but exercise his First Amendment right to free speech and voice his protest in what has become the public square of our age–the internet and social media. Though his statements were intemperate at times, he has never, and would never, commit any act of violence against another human being over a political or philosophical disagreement.

As our family processes the grief and pain of our loss, we would have it be known that we hold no personal animosity towards those individuals who took part in the ill-fated events of the morning of August 9, 2023, which resulted in Craig’s death.

We ask that the media and public respect our family members’ privacy and give us the time and space needed to come to terms with the sad tragedy of these events.

The post Family of Utah Man Killed by Biden’s FBI Release Statement Following His Tragic Death: “As an Elderly–and Largely Homebound–Man… He Has Never, and Would Never, Commit Any Act of Violence” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

