BREAKING: VOTER FRAUD in 2020 Election is REAL! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks (VIDEO)

You All Heard the News

“On October 8, 2020 a person dropped off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications in Muskegon, Michigan. City Clerk Ann Meisch obviously noticed.

Per a review of the voter applications, it was uncovered that:
numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer
addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent
phone numbers were erroneous signatures didn’t match

On October 16 the Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate.

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On October 20 the same person brought in another 2,500 forms.”

Turns out the location of the corporation behind this voter fraud scheme is residential despite taking millions of dollars from donors

What is going on? Also, it seems the LLC was already dissolved years ago, which raises more red flags

On top of that, apparently the FBI knew about this voter fraud but did nothing, even burying the evidence. Probably because they were too busy shooting geriatric patients for making threats on Twitter!


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