Micki Witthoeft and Fellow Patriots Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of the ‘Freedom Corner’ Protests – Bringing Hope to the J6 Political Prisoners Nightly *Please Donate to This Amazing Group Below*

Micki Witthoeft and Nicole Reffitt

Tuesday, August 1, 2023, is the one-year anniversary of the “Freedom Corner” protest movement that was started by Micki Witthoeft, the mother of Ashli Babbitt who was murdered by Lt. Michael Byrd of the U.S.C.P. on January 6th at the United States Capitol.

Ashli’s murder was never properly investigated and her killer still walks the halls of Congress. He is even applauded by the sickest amongst us in our society.

Today Micki seeks justice for Ashli and all of those involved with January 6th through her nightly vigil outside the D.C. Gulag.

After 6 months of grieving at home in bed Micki was visited by Ashli in a dream. Through the dream Micki was inspired to start the nightly vigil for the January 6th political prisoners in Washington D.C. And thus the now world famous “Freedom Corner” was born on August 1st, 2022.

Micki along with a few supporters started a nightly 2 hour vigil from 7 til 9 PM. The vigil consists of an opening prayer, phone calls from the inmates from the “patriot pod” inside the D.C. Central Detention Facility, updates from Micki’s team about what is happening in court with January 6 cases, and how to communicate with and support the J6 defendants.

Since the one-year “anniversary” of the vigil is today, we wanted to share with everyone some of the events of the past year.

President Donald Trump called into the Vigil last September and shared his words of encouragement with Micki, her team and the guys unconstitutionally incarcerated political prisoners of January 6th.

The vigil has allowed Micki’s team to advocate on behalf of the J6ers on Capitol Hill with members of Congress including an in-person meeting with Speaker Of The House Kevin McCarthy.

** Please donate at 4Ashli.com to support these amazing patriots as they continue to bring hope to the January 6 political prisoners.

Over the past year there have been some unforeseen problems that had to be dealt with along the way.
Grifters and Counter Protestors.

The vigil has had its share of Marxist, communist and fascist protestors who try to disrupt the vigil by showing up and screaming the most evil and demonic things their hate filled hearts can think of.


Still more…

Unhinged Leftist Singing “F*ck Ashli Babbitt” Destroys Birthday Memorial to Ashli Babbitt on Steps of US Capitol – Capitol Police Stand By and Do Nothing (VIDEO)

The actions by these demented leftists are truly wicked and ignored by the legacy media. This same media ignores Micki Witthoeft and the January 6 political prisoners who still languish in prison today.

Yet the vigils to support the J6 political prisoners still go on.

Micki Witthoeft, Nicole Reffit, Tommy Tatum, and several fellow patriots keep bringing hope to January 6 prisoners – two and a half years after January 6 protests.

** Please donate at 4Ashli.com to support these amazing patriots as they continue to bring hope to the January 6 political prisoners.


The post Micki Witthoeft and Fellow Patriots Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of the ‘Freedom Corner’ Protests – Bringing Hope to the J6 Political Prisoners Nightly *Please Donate to This Amazing Group Below* appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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