Eating household staple can regulate person’s mood and make them less angry, study finds

EATING eggs can regulate a person’s mood and make them less angry, a study has found.

The body uses a compound inside versatile shelled foodstuffs to make serotonin — the chemical that makes us feel happy.

GettyA study found eating eggs can regulate a person’s mood and make them less angry[/caption]

GettyTests on men who ate the staple saw aggression reduced by up to 60 per cent[/caption]

Researchers believe the amino acid tryptophan is the key after tests on men saw aggression reduced by up to 60 per cent.

They studied 168 blokes aged from 35 to 55 who had been referred for aggression counselling by work.

Their diets were compared to those of colleagues who had not been referred.

The more aggressive men were found to be fatter and heavier. Researchers at Shahid Beheshti University in Tajrish, Iran, also discovered that those eating most protein, such as eggs, were less likely to show aggression.

Eating apples, oranges, cucumbers and tomatoes also helped while rice, pasta and bread tended to increase aggression.

Dr Behnaz Abiri said: “Tryptophan is abundant in eggs, and affects plasma levels of tryptophan and, therefore, brain levels of serotonin.

“A diet containing high-quality protein, fruits, and vegetables can have a protective role against aggression.”

Dietician Dr Carrie Ruxton, of Nutrition Communications, said the study “could explain why eating eggs a few times a week helps to regulate our mood”.

She added that previous studies had shown healthier dietary fats, B vitamins and fibre can also help calm behaviour.

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