Budding apprentices interview for brilliant jobs thanks to The Sun’s Builder Better Britain campaign

WHEN Michelle Love saw The Sun on Sunday’s pullout crammed full of apprentice jobs last week she said it was the inspiration she needed to get her career back on track.

The 35-year-old mum of two is looking to move into project management and said: “The pullout really made me think.

Tom FarmerWould-be apprentice Liam and our pullout[/caption]

Kevin DunnettMichelle Love aims to begin a career in project management[/caption]

“I work part-time in childcare but as my kids are getting older I hope to get stuck into a new career that can provide for me and my family.”

Michelle, from Brent, North West London, added: “Growing up, I was always helping my dad in the Philippines on building sites.

“I organised equipment and ensured his projects went smoothly.

“There are several apprenticeship programmes in the pullout I will apply for.”

We launched our successful Builder Better Britain campaign in March to highlight how construction can make youngsters part of a vital industry and give them a well-paid career after the Government said it was going to turn to foreign workers to fill vacancies in jobs such as bricklaying, plumbing and electricals.

Last August, the Federation of Small Businesses found that 80 per cent of small firms had had problems hiring applicants with suitable skills in the previous 12 months.

Now the Government is calling on young people to consider a trade instead of university, and our exclusive pullout — with 106 apprentice vacancies — was packed full of exciting opportunities.

Liam McDonald is trying to become an apprentice roofer.

On Friday he was interviewed for a position with DMG Services that was highlighted in our pullout.

The 20-year-old from Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, said: “I left school in 2019 and started looking for an apprenticeship, then Covid-19 hit and it was difficult to get a job.

“I joined the Navy but quickly realised it wasn’t for me.

“Now I’m looking for any apprenticeship that can help me get my career started.

Exciting opportunities

“Your pullout with all the jobs listed could not have come at a better time for me.

“I want to learn a trade with a view to starting my own business at some point in the future. It’s great that The Sun on Sunday is getting the word out so more people are aware they have such options.”

Darren McGhee, who runs DMG Services Group in Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, where Liam applied, was inundated with applications for his apprenticeship roofer scheme after our pullout appeared.

He said: “I’ve been busy doing interviews all day and some of the candidates were great.

“I think I’ll hire two of them and I’m fully behind what The Sun on Sunday is doing, as getting workers properly trained is so important.”

Archie Price recently lost his job at an architectural firm and now plans to retrain as a plumber or electrician.

The 19-year-old, from Overtown, Lancs, said: “There should be more info out there showing people what apprenticeships are available, so The Sun on Sunday job listings pullout was a big help for people like me.

“I can’t wait to find the right one and get my career started.”

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