The 24 surprising choking hazards in your home that are as dangerous as button batteries

PARENTS tend to be pretty careful with what food they give their kids.

But as your little ones explore the world around them, it’s quite likely they’ll do so by putting things in their mouth.

CPR KidsEar plugs can pop up anywhere, according to CPR Kids[/caption]

cpr kidsBe careful not to leave your jewellery lying around[/caption]

cpr kids Even something as tiny as mints could pot your tot at risk[/caption]

cpr kids And be careful where you leave their toys and doll accessories lying around[/caption]

Sometimes these objects are small enough that your child will swallow them, putting them at risk of choking.

And oftentimes, it won’t even have occurred to you that these items could put them at risk.

“We often share reminders about chopping the grapes, and the dangers of button batteries,” the team of paediatric nurses behind CPR Kids – a baby and first aid education page – wrote in a recent post.

“But the truth is, there are a lot of things around the home that may not occur to parents and carers as potential choking hazards for little ones,” they said.

The medics listed a whopping 24 items and foods you probably have in your home that could put your child at risk of choking.

Many of these might not have occurred to you, or you might have missed them as they’re tucked away in corners you can’t usually see.

ear plugs – “these pop up everywhere,” CPR Kids saidbread clips bottle caps small magnets coins rocks and pebbles gum and mints hair clips jewelleryspoonfuls of nut pastepet food – especially dry dog food kids toys, like small pieces of Lego doll accessoriesbuttons sausages and hot dogs – “cut them into quarters,” CPR Kids saidmarshmallows – you should tear into tiny piecespopcorn – avoid until your tot is five whole nuts – don’t give to your child until they’re fiveraw apple and carrot – cut these into stick shapes erasers marblesbouncy ballsbeadsballoons

When it comes to preventing your little one from choking, there are four words you need to keep in mind.

These are the four S’s of choking prevention, according to CPR Kids.

1. Shape of foods

It’s important to think about what kind of size and shape of food your tot can eat comfortably.

“Cutting up foods into developmentally appropriate size shapes is key to prevent choking,” CPR Kids wrote.

“Round foods such as grapes, cherry tomatoes and large blueberries are the perfect shape to lodge in a toddler’s airway and should be cut into quarters, and cylindrical foods such as bananas, sausages and carrots cut into sticks,” they added.

You should avoid foods such as popcorn, marshmallows, hard sweets and whole nuts in young children.

2. Sit down to eat

According to the nurses, the risk of choking increases if a child is running around with food or another object in their mouth.

Sitting down together to eat meals is a seemingly simple solution but it not only reduces the risk of choking, it’s great for bonding too.

Even snack time applied to this rule.

“Encourage your toddler to sit down when snacking too (we now, easier said than done right?),” the medics wrote.

3. Supervise when eating

Turning for your back for a few moments or popping into another room quickly can put your child at risk of choking.

You might think you’d hear if something was happening, but “choking can be silent,” CPR Kids emphasised.

“Always keep them in your direct line of sight when they are eating so you can be aware and intervene quickly if a choking accident occurs,” they advised.

4. Search your home

First aiders have previously shared a nifty trick for being able to tell if an object or food item poses a choking risk to your kid, which surprisingly involves a toilet roll.

“Anything that can fit through a cardboard toilet paper tube is a choking risk for young children,” CPR Kids wrote.

They also advised you get “get down onto your hands and knees and crawl around your house” to look for stray items you might have missed.

“This will give you a better perspective as to what your child sees [and] what small items are in reach” they explained.

But the medics emphasised: “Most importantly, remember that accidents can still happen – know the first aid for choking so you can confidently help your child in an emergency.”

What to do if your child chokes

It’s a parents worst nightmare to imagine a situation in which they have to save their child from choking.

But in that moment, it may be you that will have to step up and perform first aid.

The NHS says if you can see an object lodged in your child’s mouth, take care to remove it because blindly poking at it could make things worse.

If the child is coughing, encourage them to continue as they may be able to bring the object up – don’t leave them.

If the coughing isn’t effective (it is silent or they cannot breathe properly), shout for help immediately.

If the child is still conscious, use back blows. 

First aiders at St John Ambulance give the following advice based on the child’s age.


Slap it out:

Lay the baby face down along your thigh and support their head  Give five back blows between their shoulder blades  Turn them over and check their mouth each time  

2. Squeeze it out:

Turn the baby over, face upwards, supported along your thigh Put two fingers in the centre of their chest just below the nipple line; push downwards to give up to five sharp chest thrusts Check the mouth each time  

3. If the item does not dislodge, call 999 or 112 for emergency help  

Take the baby with you to call  Repeat the steps 1 and 2 until help arrives Start CPR if the baby becomes unresponsive (unconscious)  


1. Cough it out  

Encourage the casualty to keep coughing, if they can 

2. Slap it out  

Lean them forwards, supporting them with one hand Give five sharp back blows between the shoulder blades Check their mouth each time but do not put your fingers in their mouth  

3. Squeeze it out  

Stand behind them with your arms around their waist, with one clenched fist between their belly button and the bottom of their chest Grasp the fist in the other hand and pull sharply inwards and upwards, giving up to five abdominal thrusts Check their mouth each time  

4. Call 999 or 112 for emergency help if the object does not dislodge  

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until help arrives Start CPR if the person becomes unresponsive (unconscious) 

5. Always seek medical advice if abdominal thrusts are used 

All kids are at risk of choking – especially those under the age of three.

Signs your baby is choking

There are a few signs to look out for to tell if your baby is choking.

According to St John Ambulance, a choking baby may:

be unable to breathe, cry, or cough
have a red puffy face
show signs of distress

But a child might:

have difficulty breathing, speaking or coughing
have a red puffy face
show signs of distress and they may point to their throat or grasp their neck

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