Common car seat mistake could prove deadly in event of a crash, paramedic warns

GETTING into a car crash can be incredibly scary, especially if your tot is in the car with you.

Your first instinct might be to run to your child and lift them out of their car seat, to hug them and check they’re not hurt.

Taking your little one out of their car seat could put them at risk

Tiny Hearts EducationMedics have warned parents against taking their children out of their car seat if they get in an accident[/caption]

Tiny Hearts EducationBut there are a few exceptions in which it’s advised you do so[/caption]

But medics have warned that you shouldn’t remove your little one from their seat – except in very specific circumstances – as you risk making any injuries worse or endangering their life.

According to former paramedic Nikki Jurcutz from Tiny Hearts Education, your tot could sustain a number of injuries during a crash, including to their:

brain and head neck spinal cordbackinternal organsinternal bleeding

In a recent post to the baby and first aid education page’s Instagram account, Nikki said leaving your child in their car seat helps keep them calm and still.

This is especially important in a situation where your little one could have sustained spinal or internal injuries – in fact, it could be lifesaving, according to the medic.

If you deem it’s safe to leave your tot in their seat, keep them calm, comfortable and distracted until paramedics arrive.

If keeping the seat in the car seems dangerous, Nikki advised you remove the entire seat from the vehicle while keeping your child clipped into the harness.

You can also cut the straps holding the car seat in.

But there are some exceptions under which you should take your little one out of their seat – Nikki described these as ‘life over limb’.

You should do so if:

the car is smoking your child requires CPR your child needs airway management your child could be in danger if left in the car seat they’re distressed, thrashing about and potentially causing themselves harm

In these situations, it important you remove your little one from their seat carefully, the medic stressed.

Hold them still against your body to minimise movement if they’re conscious.

But if your tot is unconscious and not breathing, that’s a sign to start CPR, according to the medic.

Remember CPR takes priority over a neck or spinal injury, she added.

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