Urgent warning over new outbreak of Victorian disease as 7 cases are linked to school and nursery

GPS have been warned to be on high alert for symptoms of measles after seven cases have been linked to a school and nursery.

All children infected at the North Road Academy and nursery in Staffordshire had not received the MMR jab.

GettyAll confirmed cases have been in children who have not received any doses of the MMR vaccine (credit: Getty)[/caption]

Vaccine uptake varies across England, dropping significantly in some areas of London

It’s believed the first case was linked to foreign travel.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is now working to find out “probable cases” in the surrounding areas.

GPs have been asked to look out for more cases of the bug and to notify the UKHSA “as soon as possible” if any are found.

It comes as cases of the Victorian illness are on the rise nationally.

Data from the UK Health Security Agency, published last month, showed that between January 1 and June 30, there were 128 infections, compared to 54 for the whole of 2022.

Dr William Proto, from UKHSA, warned of the severity of the disease, which can sometimes lead to disability and death.

Measles is a very infectious virus and can spread rapidly among communities, such as schools, if people have not had at least one dose of the MMR vaccine.

“While most people will recover completely within a couple of weeks, the virus can cause very serious illness – sometimes this can leave permanent disability and it can even be fatal.”

Vaccination uptake is at a 12-year low and varies hugely across England, dropping significantly in some areas of London, according UKHSA data.

Dr William added: “MMR is a highly effective and safe vaccine.

“The vaccine not only protects them, but also limits the chances of the virus spreading more widely, for example to children who are too young to have the vaccine and to adults who may be more vulnerable to the disease.”

Parents have been urged to check that their kids are fully vaccinated with two MMR doses, which give 99 per cent life-long protection.

Children are offered two doses of the jab at ages one and three.

Anyone not up-to-date should call their GP and get immunised as soon as possible.

The school has been approached for comment.

What are the symptoms of measles?

Around 10 days after the illness is contracted, signs become noticeable.

The NHS outlines the initial symptoms of measles…

cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and a cough
sore, red eyes that may be sensitive to light
a high temperature (fever), which may reach around 40C (104F)
small greyish-white spots on the inside of the cheeks

A few days after these flu-like symptoms manifest, a rash often begins to appear.

Distinctive red-brown blotches spring up on the body, typically beginning at the upper neck and spreading downwards.

Severe complications can occur, including miscarriage in pregnant women, brain swelling and the risk of death from pneumonia

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