Credit: Fox News
Chino, California – A woke California state official picked the wrong town and school board to mess with last Friday.
Fox News reported Monday that the California State Superintendent Tony Thurmond was booted from a school board meeting and escorted out by police while protesting the school’s proposed common-sense transgender policies, which were adopted after he was removed.
Chino Valley Unified School District now requires the school to inform parents about a child’s desire to change genders. More specifically, Fox News notes parents must be informed if their child expresses a desire to be identified or treated as a gender different from their biological sex, intends to use the bathroom and athletic facilities of the opposite sex, seeks a pronoun or name change, or if there are mental health concerns with the child.
Thurmond was triggered by the school board daring to stand up for parental rights and protect innocent children.
I ask you to consider this: that the policy you consider tonight may fall outside of the laws that respect privacy and safety for our students, but may put our students at risk because they may not be in homes where they can be seen.”
School Board President Sonja Shaw responded to Thurmond’s complaining in blistering fashion.
Tony Thurmond, I appreciate you being here tremendously. But here’s the problem. We’re here because of people like you. You’re in Sacramento proposing things that pervert children.
You had a chance to come talk to me Tony. Why was it so important that you had to walk with my opponent? You are the very reason why we are in this.
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When Thurmond returned to the mic and asked for a “point of order,” Shaw tore him apart.
No order, this is not your meeting. You may have a seat. Because if I did that to you in Sacramento, you would not accept it, please sit.
You may have a seat. You’re not going to blackmail us.
You already sent us a blackmailing letter on the previous point of order. You’ll not bully us here in Chino.
Thrumond was then removed from the room by security after refusing to sit down and shut up.
He later released a statement spreading misinformation and whining about getting kicked out.
I went to a school board meeting to stand up for LGBTQ+ students who invited me to join them as they spoke out against a radical new policy that threatens their safety. When done speaking, the board president verbally attacked me and instructed the police to remove me.
The post “You’re Proposing Things that Pervert Children”- California School Board KICKS OUT Radical State Official After He Tries to Bully Them for Protecting Children and Parental Rights (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.