Survey: Almost Half of Millennials Think Misgendering Trans Person Should Be Criminal Offense

Credit: @olilondon

A new survey reveals that almost half of the millennials polled, those aged between 25-34, think that referring to a transgender person by the wrong pronouns should be a criminal offense.

The survey, by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek, polled 1,500 eligible voters in the United States.

Newsweek reports:

According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”

This view remains popular for those aged 35-44, among whom 38 percent think misgendering should be illegal, whilst 35 percent disagree and 26 percent either don’t know or didn’t express an opinion.

However the figure for millennials contrasts starkly with that for Americans as a whole, among whom just 19 percent want misgendering to be a criminal offense, whilst 65 percent disagree, 12 percent “neither agree nor disagree” and four percent answered “don’t know.”

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