Nurse wipes away tear at Westminster Abbey service to celebrate NHS’s 75th anniversary

NURSE May Parsons wiped away a tear at a Westminster Abbey service to celebrate the NHS’s 75th anniversary yesterday.

The pandemic hero, who gave the world’s first Covid jab in December 2020, carried the George Cross awarded to the service by Queen Elizabeth last year.

GettyNurse May Parsons carried the George Cross which the late Queen Elizabeth II awarded to the NHS for services to Covid[/caption]

GettyNurse May, who gave the first ever Covid jab, was snapped with a tear in her eye at the ceremony[/caption]

She was among more than 1,500 guests including the PM, Prince Edward and Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, as well as TV doctors Zoe Williams and Hilary Jones at the abbey service.

Hospital staff and ambulance crews from all over the country attended, as well as 91-year-old Enid Richmond, who worked for the NHS when it began in 1948.

NHS England chief Amanda Pritchard told them the health service was “the institution that makes our nation most proud to be British”.

She praised medics and volunteers for battling the Covid pandemic and being “a beacon of hope for a nation during dark and uncertain times”.

Ms Pritchard added: “Recent years have brought a once-in-a-century global health emergency and unprecedented challenges.

“But throughout, our staff, volunteers and partners up and down the country have continued to do what they do best – looking after patients and their loved ones.”

Dr Michael Griksaitis, from University Hospital Southampton, told how NHS heroes flew dozens of children with cancer out of Ukraine when the war broke out.

PM Rishi Sunak gave a Bible reading and said in a message: “This anniversary is a moment to give thanks to the millions of men and women, from the UK, the Commonwealth, and around the world, who for 75 years have made the NHS what it is.”

PAThe George Cross was presented to the National Health Service during the 75th anniversary ceremony at Westminster Abbey[/caption]

GettyDuchess Sophie of Edinburgh and Prince Edward were also in attendance for the NHS’s birthday bash[/caption]

SplashZoe Williams and Hilary Jones made an appearance at the historic event[/caption]

Health heroes appeal

THE Sun is asking readers to nominate a healthcare hero for our Who Cares Wins Awards.

In their sixth year, the awards recognise everyone from doctors and nurses to charity workers, fundraisers, cleaners, porters and carers.

The ceremony will be held later this year and televised on Channel 4.

Sponsored by the National Lottery and in partnership with NHS Charities Together, the Who Cares Wins Awards have nine categories including Best Doctor and Mental Health Hero.

To see them all and to nominate, visit

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