I got a £5k ‘mummy makeover’ in Turkey after 5 kids ruined my body – I was left with 3 gaping holes

A WOMAN forked out £5,500 for a “mummy makeover” after five kids “ruined” her body.

Stephanie Frampton had a tummy tuck, breast lift and liposuction at a clinic in Turkey – and says it was the worst decision she’s ever made.

Stephanie Frampton saw an advert for a ‘mummy makeover’ on FacebookStephanie Frampton

SuppliedThe parent, pictured here several months prior, decided to ‘go for it’ after having five children[/caption]

She was initially pleased with the results – but then things took a turnSupplied

The 61-year-old was left with a flesh-eating infection which slowly ate away at her skin.

She had a gaping hole under her boob, two craters in her stomach and even a pus-leaking nipple – all of which still cause her excruciating pain six months later.

Stephanie, from Hampshire, said: “I’ve not had a proper night’s sleep since I got it done.”

The mum said she was scrolling on Facebook when she spotted an advert a “mummy makeover” for £3,750.

After three vaginal births and two caesarean sections, which she said left her feeling less than confident, she decided to “go for it”.

“My body had been through it and I’d always wanted it done so I booked it,” she said.

Stephanie then sent photos of herself to the surgeons via WhatsApp so they could plan her procedures and paid the remaining £1,750 for flights, accommodation and food.

Accompanied by her partner, she flew out to Izmir on December 1 last year and had the operations the following day.

She spent five days in hospital, followed by two nights in a hotel, before heading back home to Gosport.

Almost two weeks later, Stephanie thought she looked fabulous.

She presumed her tummy tuck and liposuction wounds had almost healed and she could begin to return to life as normal.

“I thought, ‘Bloody hell, I look amazing’,” she said.

But then one morning, when she was in the kitchen, she noticed a “funny smell”.

“I put my hand on my stomach and there was a load of wet stuff there,” the mother-of-five, who works with adults with learning difficulties, said.

“I got a mirror and lifted up my top and under my right breast, it was completely wide open. I panicked and cried. 

“Under my left boob was open like a triangle shape. And my nipple had a hole in it.”

I’m numb with pain. I’ve not had a proper night’s sleep since I got it done.

Stephanie Frampton

Stephanie immediately saw a doctor, who was reportedly “gobsmacked” by the infection that had been “eating away at her flesh”.

She was in and out of hospital for the following six weeks and completed seven rounds of antibiotics.

Even now, in June, she is still struggling with the aftermath – both mentally and physically.

“I’m numb with pain,” Stephanie said.

“I still have to change my dressings, and if you squeeze my nipple or press the holes, green stuff will come out.

“No one can say for sure what went wrong, but I think the clinic pulled my skin too tight.

“It was so upsetting, coming back to England and needing more help.

“I feel so ashamed that I’m now relying on the NHS to fix something that I chose to do and that someone else did wrong. 

“And I’m still embarrassed to be out in public.”

She wants to warn others to think twice before jetting to Turkey for medical procedures.

“I wouldn’t recommend doing this at all,” she said.

“If I’d known this was going to happen, I’d never have gone ahead with it as I’m still facing the consequences six months down the line.

“I was thinking about getting my teeth done before this, but I wouldn’t do it now.”

SuppliedStephanie following the procedures in December 2022[/caption]

SuppliedThe mum-of-five had a gaping hole under her boob and two in her stomach[/caption]

SuppliedThe 61-year-old was left with a flesh-eating infection which slowly ate away at her skin[/caption]

The advert she saw on social mediaSupplied  Read More 
