Major change to GP appointments could see you get a slot 10 times FASTER

‘ROBOT receptionists’ will be used to free up NHS staff and get Brits an appointment 10 times faster.

A 15-year NHS workforce strategy due to be published this week is expected to set out plans on how bots can be used to automate booking processes up to 10 times faster than a human, aiming to slash waits for patients.

Robot receptionists could be used to get you an appointment faster

Under the plans, automated robotic processes will be used to schedule appointments, flag test results and analyse patient referrals.

These moves towards automation – as well as plans to us artificial intelligence (AI) software such as ChatGPT to transcribe doctors’ notes – would be made in a bid to reduce the workload of medical secretaries, so they can spend more time with patients.

The Telegraph reported that health secretary Steve Barclay wants the strategy to make the most of technological advances to maximise the productivity of NHS staff and make sure patients get seen to faster.

A source close to Mr Barclay told the paper: “Technology and innovation, particularly AI, are changing the nature of healthcare, and the health secretary is keen that they play a huge part in improving diagnosis and treatment, and cutting waiting lists.

“He wants AI to help reduce workload and raise productivity, supporting staff and freeing up their time to focus on caring for patients.”

It comes after the government said it would invite NHS trusts to apply for a £21 million funding pot to implement AI tools for medical imaging and decision support.

This includes tools that analyse chest X-rays in suspected cases of lung cancer.

Results so far suggest it could be 40 times more accurate than traditional methods, identifying the disease in less than 30 seconds.

It will also allow more than 600,000 X-rays to be performed monthly across England, with patients beginning treatment around one hour sooner, it is understood.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said AI could help cut NHS waiting lists before the winter surge.

Earlier this month, it was announced that patients in London ringing their doctor’s surgery at busy times will be redirected to an NHS 111 worker or paramedic under a new trial.

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