“I Believe This Was One Massive Cover-Up by DOJ – House Should Call in Obama to Testify” – General Michael Flynn Joins Roger Stone to Discuss Durham Report and MUCH MORE on WABC77 (AUDIO)

Roger Stone and General Michael Flynn

On Sunday Roger Stone interviewed General Michael Flynn about the Durham report, what’s really happening in Ukraine, the Chinese spy station in Cuba and much more.

Roger Stone hosts a weekend show on WABC77 Talk Radio in New York City.

Roger Stone opened his show with this sincere and admirable introduction of General Flynn.

Roger Stone: Now that I have gotten to know him, I can honestly say that General Michael Flynn is one of the greatest Americans and has ever been my privilege to know. He is not only an outspoken American patriot, but he is a geopolitical genius. And I predict to you without fear of contradiction, that General Michael Flyn’s greatest days of public service, in my opinion, lie ahead.

Roger then asked General Flynn about the infamous briefing he and President Trump received by James Comey and John Brennan in the Trump Tower after President Trump was elected in 2016. Brennan and Comey knew at the time they were openly lying to Trump and Flynn. They knew the bogus Russia conspiracy was a Hillary Clinton operation based on nothing.

Roger Stone: Let me kind of start here. You were present on January 6, 2017 at the Trump Tower meeting with President elect Donald Trump when CIA Director John Brennan, NSA Director Clapper, and FBI Director Comey briefed Trump on the, quote, intelligence that Russia had interfered in the election by stealing Democratic Party emails. Did you find that briefing convincing?

General Flynn: I did not find it convincing. And another person that was on that briefing, actually, I had set it up in Trump Tower, and I had coordinated because they had reached out to me as the incoming National Security Advisor, jim Clapper, actually personally reached out. I did not find that presentation convincing. Mike Rogers from the National Security Agency. Admiral Mike Rogers was also there. He actually did the majority of the presenting. And I can tell you specifically because I asked the question to make sure that President Trump understood at president elect Trump at the time understood that I asked the question how confident are you in this information? And good for Mike Rogers, for Admiral Rogers, he described his level of confidence as being moderate, meaning that he wasn’t convinced that the intelligence that they had was worth a damn, frankly. While the others, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, you could tell they were squirming in their seats a little bit. What was more interesting to me and what we have learned since that famous presentation to Trump up in Trump Tower on the 6 January of 2017 is the meeting that was held in the Oval Office the day prior.

Roger Stone: …Okay, that’s where very now famous meeting. We have all of the suspects, we have 90% of the evidence that has already been exposed. And that meeting was with Obama. Biden. Comey. Clapper. Brennan Susan Rice, Sally Yates, deputy Attorney General. And the entirety of that meeting was to figure out how to get rid of General Michael Flynn, the guy that is speaking right now, which initially everybody that the reporting at the time, people were reporting on it as though they’re having this meeting. And this meeting is about the presentation to Trump the next day. That was only part of what that meeting was about. The main effort for that meeting on the 5 January 2017 was to figure out how do we get rid of General Michael Flynn, how do we remove him as fast as we can from a critical position as National Security Advisor that we already know to be true…

General Flynn: So that meeting on the 6th, it was initiated really prior, but principally by an Oval Office meeting on the Fifth. And we now know the conspiracy not conspiracy theory, Roger, the conspiracy to basically undermine a duly elected President of the United States, president Donald J. Trump, to undermine him at that time. And that’s the dates, those are the critical dates that that conspiracy came into fold. Here one of the big disappointments for Durham from my perspective, and this is where I think the House, if they have the guts to do it, but one of the things that Durham did not do, and it clearly came out during his hearing, was he did not bring in any of those characters that I just mentioned. He should have actually brought in Obama, he should have brought in Biden, he should have brought in Comey McCabe is another one stroke is another one. Those are just other names that are part and parcel. Certainly comey Brennan and clapper. Yates would have been another. Rice would have been another under subpoena and questioned them while he was doing his investigation, but he failed to do that. So to me, of all of the there’s some silver linings in the Durham report, there’s some silver linings in the hearing, but I actually now believe that this to me is just one massive, massive cover up by the Department of justice and John Durham.

This was an incredible interview by two of the most persecuted figures in President Trump’s circle of friends and associates.

Listen to the entire interview here:


The post “I Believe This Was One Massive Cover-Up by DOJ – House Should Call in Obama to Testify” – General Michael Flynn Joins Roger Stone to Discuss Durham Report and MUCH MORE on WABC77 (AUDIO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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