LOTTERY winners have issued their ten top warnings for life after bagging the jackpot.
Donating your winnings and being wary of friends ready to exploit you are among the lessons shared.
GettyLottery winners have issued their ten top warnings for life after bagging the jackpot.[/caption]
And other tips include how to deal with your new found wealth and the new life it affords you.
Live within your means
It may be tempting to splash your cash on sports-themed mega-mansions, luxury holidays and fast cars, but it’s important to remain practical.
One winner told Reader’s Digest they bought a 10,000-square-foot, eight-bed, seven-bath mansion because it “sounded amazing”.
But they stressed: “Well, now we’re selling the eight-bedroom, seven-bath mansion because it’s impractical for a family of four.”
Some winners say you should be ready to be exploited – even by pals.
One lucky ticket holder told how a friend began complaining about being in debt to the taxman and how she was on the verge of losing her home.
But it turned out to be one big lie, she explained: “[I] looked up her tax records, and saw that she wasn’t behind.
“When I printed out that page and sent it to her, well, that was the end of our friendship.”
Rich look down on you
After one winner bagged a fortune they moved to an exclusive neighbourhood and decided to throw a party for neighbours.
But tragically none of them came.
“They thought we didn’t earn our money”, the winner claimed.
Delusions of grandeur
Other winners’ jackpots will be much larger than others, lucky ticket holders say.
So it is important to not look at your winnings and think it’s a little – especially when you’re in an exclusive club of lottery winners.
And it can seem like you’re the poor one if your jackpot is nowhere near as much as others’.
But bagging a fortune is relative, previous winners say, so be grateful for it.
Get used to being asked how you’ll spend your winnings.
“It drives me nuts when people ask where I keep the money, how I spend it, and if I still have it”, says a past winner.
They added: “No one would dream of asking a CEO those questions.”
Friends come and go
With new found wealth comes new experiences and a lifestyle that your old group of friends simply cannot afford.
Winners say that new groups of friends will come along the more experiences you want – meaning previous connections will fade.
And subsidising your pals will become embarrassing for both your friends and yourself, winners say.
As you bank your riches and build a life of luxury – you may find yourself in the spotlight.
And for those that go public with their win, there is even more pressure and attention on you, which can be a struggle to deal with.
“I’ve learned that what really matters—and what I enjoy most—is being able to do things that help other people“, one winner says.
…but not too much
It’s important not to donate it all at once as it’s important to retain some control over your cash.
Keep playing
Despite life-changing winnings, some winners can’t seem to kick the thrill – so they keep playing.