My neighbour’s an idiot and always parks in my husband’s spot, but I’ve had the last laugh

AN incredible video has revealed the moment a woman had the last laugh at her selfish neighbour.

The woman took to social media to highlight the poor parking of one resident in the apartment block where her and her husband live.

TIKTOKThe apartment block where @Aerobabe92 lives with her husband[/caption]

TIKTOKThe creative revenge that @Aerobabe92 carried out in the communal car park[/caption]

Posting on her TikTok channel, @Aerobabe92 captioned the video ‘What have I become?’

The footage opens to show a car park situated between two rows of flats in a housing development.

The woman goes on to say: “So, when your neighbour is a jerk and likes to park in your husband’s spot.”

With the camera panning across between different bays, she adds: “When his parking spot is there.”

The camera focuses on an empty parking bay where the neighbour apparently should be parking his car in an allocated space.

But the disgruntled woman then says: “This is what you do, until your husband comes home.”

And then it becomes clear what she has done to put a stop to the inconsiderate parker.

We see another car (presumably @Aerobabe92’s) straddling across two separate bays, while just for good measure a dining chair has also been placed in the next bay to make sure no-one can even think about pulling into the space.

Amazingly though, there are tons of other available spaces in the car park, so it all seems a little strange that there’s an argument over who parks where.

@Aerobabe92 signs off the video with “ok, thanks, bye,” and sounds very satisfied with the outcome.

But where the neighbour actually ended up parking his car, no-one’s quite sure.

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