ProPublica Launches Attack on Conservative Justice Alito For Taking Fishing Trip with Billionaire GOP Donor – Alito Responds

ProPublica launched an attack on conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

The far-left media never attacks the left-wing justices for taking gifts from billionaires who later have cases before the high court.

Only Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are being scrutinized and attacked by the media.

According to ProPublica, back in 2008, Samuel Alito went on a luxury fishing vacation to Alaska with GOP billionaire donor Paul Singer.

ProPublica leveled two charges against Alito:

Paul Singer’s hedge fund had business before the US Supreme Court and Alito never recused himself from the cases.

Justice Alito never disclosed the 2008 fishing trip as gifts on his Financial Disclose Report.

Alito was never required to recuse himself from the cases and he was never obligated to disclose certain items as gifts.

Via ProPublica:

In early July 2008, Samuel Alito stood on a riverbank in a remote corner of Alaska. The Supreme Court justice was on vacation at a luxury fishing lodge that charged more than $1,000 a day, and after catching a king salmon nearly the size of his leg, Alito posed for a picture. To his left, a man stood beaming: Paul Singer, a hedge fund billionaire who has repeatedly asked the Supreme Court to rule in his favor in high-stakes business disputes.

Singer was more than a fellow angler. He flew Alito to Alaska on a private jet. If the justice chartered the plane himself, the cost could have exceeded $100,000 one way.

In the years that followed, Singer’s hedge fund came before the court at least 10 times in cases where his role was often covered by the legal press and mainstream media. In 2014, the court agreed to resolve a key issue in a decade-long battle between Singer’s hedge fund and the nation of Argentina. Alito did not recuse himself from the case and voted with the 7-1 majority in Singer’s favor. The hedge fund was ultimately paid $2.4 billion.

Alito downloaded on ProPublica in a Wall Street Journal post.

“ProPublica has leveled two charges against me: first, that I should have recused in matters in which an entity connected with Paul Singer was a party and, second, that I was obligated to list certain items as gifts on my 2008 Financial Disclose Report. Neither charge is valid.” Alito wrote.

Click here to read Alito’s full response to ProPublica’s hit piece.

The post ProPublica Launches Attack on Conservative Justice Alito For Taking Fishing Trip with Billionaire GOP Donor – Alito Responds appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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