What is a penis extender and does it work?

IF you have ever worried that your penis is smaller than average, you’re not alone.

There may be something you can do about it with the help of a penis extender.

AndropenisA penis extender can be used to lengthen your penis[/caption]

What is a penis extender?

If you’ve ever struggled with erectile dysfunction (ED) or you’re packing on the smaller side, you may have heard of a penis extender.

This device stretches the tissues in the penis to increase its length.

They are available in a large variety of sizes and designs and are typically made from silicone blends or rubber.

Do penis extenders actually work?

Some research indicates that a penis extender device can actually increase its natural length.

A study conducted by Medical News Today in 2015 saw 193 men wear a penis extender for four to six hours daily for a period of six months.

The researchers found a mean increase between 0.9 and 2.5 cm (0.3-0.9″) in flaccid penis length.

But those results are finite and will be different for every man

It’s also important to note that there is still little research to support the effectiveness of these devices for lengthening.

You can only stretch so far before you risk the possibility of causing damage to the quality of your erection.

In extreme cases, you may lose the ability to get hard at all.

How do people use a penis extender?

The device has two rings that are placed at the base and head of the penis.

They are linked by two thin, extendable traction bars that run along the length of the penis. 

Some models on the higher end scale have a soft ‘comfort ring’ that fits inside a head-ring—both of which hold it in place.

These comfort rings are usually made from soft materials to make them much more comfortable. 

You will eventually extend the bars over time to increase the stretch and traction, promoting the length gains you’re looking for.

Before trying any method, you can benefit from discussing the issue with a doctor, who can offer advice and reassurance.

If you have a physical condition like Peyronie’s disease, a doctor can provide a diagnosis and help put together a treatment plan that fits you.

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