From a pollen app to Vaseline – we test drug-free hay fever remedies

WATERY eyes, a runny nose, sneezing and coughing are all symptoms of hay fever, and this time of the year is terrible for sufferers.

The number of people affected by it has tripled in the past 30 years.

From a pollen app to Vaseline – we test drug-free hay fever remedies

Flare-ups are driven by the various types of pollen – such as tree, grass and weed pollen – that thrive throughout the season.

Knocking back antihistamines can help symptoms but here Jane Atkinson looks at drug-free remedies.


PurolabsQuercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects[/caption]

THIS is a plant pigment – a flavonoid – that is found in many plants and foods including red wine, onions, green tea, apples and berries.

It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and has been hailed for helping to reduce swelling, kill cancer cells, control blood sugar . . . and it acts as an antihistamine for allergies including hay fever, asthma and eczema.

This is a great way to deal with hay fever naturally.

Purolabs Quercetin Complex contains other potent antioxidants – vitamin C, rosehip, rutin, acerola cherry and bromelain – to help relieve symptoms including sneezing, watery eyes, scratchy throat and a runny nose.

Even if you don’t have hay fever, this is a great antioxidant.

From 48p a day,


uk.klarify.meKlarify: Pollen And Allergy app is free, and by using your location it offers pollen and air quality forecasts[/caption]

THE Klarify: Pollen And Allergy app is free, and by using your location it offers pollen and air quality forecasts.

You log your symptoms every day and record how you feel.

Then, based on the information you have given, going forward the app will tell you how you are likely to feel that day, using details from the national weather and pollen forecasts.

You can then decide what to take – or not take – on that day. It helps you work out which type of pollen triggers your hay fever.

I have had really bad hay fever this year but this has helped me determine if I should be taking an antihistamine on the morning, which is brilliant because – despite what they say on the box – they often make me feel drowsy so I hate taking them.

All in all, it’s well worth a look.



BootsYou can put Vaseline under your nose to trap the pollen before it can get in the body[/caption]

THERE are several balms you can buy to put under your nose.

The idea is that they trap the pollen before it can get in the body and therefore they reduce your symptoms.

Before going outside you simply add a small smear under your nostrils.

There are some lovely ones on the market with things such as calming essential oils and beeswax in them.

But if you have a tin of Vaseline lying about that you usually use for chapped lips, it works just the same way.

I have tested it for the past couple of weeks and it really does work.
Vaseline Lip Therapy lip balm tin (20g, £2.45,

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