Office rights explained: What temperature is too hot to work in?

AS temperatures rise again this week, most of us will be sweltering in an office with little air conditioning.

The Met Office has predicted temperatures could hit 30C on Friday as Brits prepare for another heatwave.

As temperatures hit glorious levels, make sure you’re bringing water to work and wearing baggy clothing where possible

But if you do have to head to work, we explain what rights you have when it’s too hot in the office.

What rights do I have if it’s too hot in the office?

There’s no minimum or maximum temperature for offices or other places of work currently defined in law.

Employers have to make sure conditions are “reasonable” – but that definition is obviously open to interpretation.

The Health and Safety Executive has previously suggested that workplaces should have a minimum temperature of 16C.

For work that is very physical, including on factory floors, it has suggested a lower minimum of 13C.

But, it has said it can’t give a meaningful maximum temperature, because some kinds of businesses will be hot by definition – such as glassworks or bakeries.

Bosses should ensure their workers have access to water and monitor their wellbeing in hot weather, according to HSE guidelines.

Typical symptoms of heat stress are:

an inability to concentrate
muscle cramps
heat rash
severe thirst – a late symptom of heat stress
heat exhaustion – fatigue, giddiness, nausea, headache, moist skin
heat stroke – hot dry skin, confusion, convulsions and eventual loss of consciousness. This is the most severe disorder and can result in death if not detected at an early stage

What provisions are made for PPE wearers in high temperatures

MORE people are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) than ever because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Where PPE is required it can cause heat stress due to its weight and the fact that it prevents sweat evaporating from the skin.

The HSE has a checklist explaining how businesses can protect PPE-wearing staff.

In says employers should:

permit work to occur at a slower rate
rotate staff out of this environment on a more frequent basis
allow longer recovery times before permitting re-entry
provide facilities for PPE to be dried so that it can be worn again for re-entry
consider scheduling work to cooler times of the days
periodically revisit risk assessments to consider processes could be automated or alternative systems of work/controls can be introduced
re-evaluate PPE as newer PPE may be lighter and provide improved levels of protection and operator comfort

However, if enough members of staff complain about working conditions, bosses should carry out a risk assessment.

The HSE has said: “If a significant number of employees are complaining about thermal discomfort, your employer should carry out a risk assessment, and act on the results of that assessment.”

That means that if you’re uncomfortable, you should tell your boss or HR and if enough people complain the business needs to investigate.

If you’re a vulnerable staff member – including being menopausal or pregnant – you should take this into account when deciding on a plan of action.

You may not get to work from home though, instead the business might provide fans, relax dress codes, turn up air con, or look at other measures to make things more comfortable.

The TUC has said previously it wants to make it illegal to keep people at work indoors if the temperature is above 30C.

People working from home may also be struggling. Here’s our top tips for beating the heat.

What are the temperature recommendations?

The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers recommends the following temperatures for different working areas:
• Heavy work in factories: 13°C
• Light work in factories: 16°C
• Hospital wards and shops: 18°C
• Offices and dining rooms: 20°C

What are my rights if I need to take public transport?

Each transport company sets its own policies – and like with offices, there’s no law about temperatures during a heatwave.

This can mean that travellers face extremely high temperatures when out and about.

For example, in 2018, Londoners complained of 42C temperatures on the Tube.

Transport for London however has since said all Tubes will be air-conditioned by 2030.

Make sure you bring a bottle of water with you if travelling on public transport and if possible wear cool, loose and light clothing.

People are sharing their best “air con” hacks to keep cool in the heatwave and all you need is a bottle of water.

If you’re sat at work wincing in pain at sunburn caught over the weekend, here’s five ways to soothe it.

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