I’m a neuroscientist – here’s three top tips to help your brain stay young

KEEPING off your phone after just waking up and avoiding processed food help protect the brain, an expert claims.

We should also try and meditate every day.

GettyAn expert claims keeping off your phone after waking up, avoiding processed food and meditation can keep your brain young[/caption]

US neuroscientist Emily McDonald says the tips help prevent brain fog and forgetfulnessEmily McDonald / SWNS

US neuroscientist Emily McDonald, 24, said the tips help to prevent brain fog and forgetfulness.

She suggested waiting at least 20 minutes in the morning before looking at mobile phones.

Emily said: “Our brain is transitioning between sleep and waking.

“Going on your phone first thing messes with your dopamine.

“It creates a craving to keep you wanting to pick up your phone.

“I wake up and listen to or say positive affirmations.

“I put sleep mode on.

“Try to not look at your phone for at least 20 to 30 minutes after waking up.”

She said processed food such as cheese slices and crisps is linked to cognitive ageing.

Emily explained: “The gut brain connection is very real.

“Wholefoods and good fats are good for our brain – such as avocados.

Blueberries are really good for your brain.”

And she reckoned of meditation: “It has great anti-ageing properties.

“It’s really magic for focus.

“It increases birth of new brain cells in the hippocampus – which controls our learning and memory.

“It keeps your brain young.”

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