Does drinking apple juice grow your penis?

WHEN it comes to penis size, is bigger really better?

It’s a question that has seemed to plague men for decades, especially as the internet has proliferated with ‘hacks’ on how to grow their members.

GettySome claim that drinking apple juice can enlarge penis size[/caption]

While there are some that might work – albeit temporarily – there are many you might want to steer clear from.

If you’re wondering how you can grow your penis size, here we bust some of the myths and find out what really does the trick.

Does drinking apple juice grow your penis? 

The short answer is no – but it doesn’t stop people trying to use the thirst-quenching juice to do so.

Apple juice is mostly made up of sugar and polyphenols – micronutrients that occur naturally in plants. 

Ultimately, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that anything you eat or drink is going to directly affect the size of your penis, including apple juice. 

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But some studies suggest that ingesting apple cider vinegar – rather than apple juice itself – can help reproductive health and cure erectile dysfunction.

Managing other conditions and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help improve blood flow. 

Conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity affect the ability to get erect. 

Regularly drinking apple cider vinegar can help to manage some of those symptoms by helping patients lose weight and reduce their blood sugar, experts have previously stated.

Add one or two teaspoons into warm or cool water and sip daily. 

Doctors previously warned men to not put apple cider vinegar down below – which some say is a practice seen in porn.

What are the best methods to make your penis larger? 

Many pills and creams promise to increase your package using herbs, hormones and vitamins, but they lack scientific evidence.

Penis extenders are a way to improve the size, length and girth of your package. 

But users must be patient – it can take at least six months to see results. And it’s not for the weak-stomached: it involves placing a weight or small extending frame on the flaccid penis to stretch it.

You can use them while doing everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, and even sleeping.

But if you use extenders the wrong way you could damage the flesh of your penis, which can be disastrous for your sex life.

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Vacuum devices are also a short-term option that changes the appearance of your penis using a pump to draw blood into the penis, causing it to swell and appear larger. 

But beware, overuse may result in tissue damage of the penis which can lead to weaker erections. 

If all else fails, there’s always surgery. 

Many men opt for enlargement surgery for cosmetic reasons, as doctors say the procedure is only medically necessary if someone has a micropenis – a penis that is smaller than 7.5cm when stretched. 

One option is a silicone implant

Doctors make a small incision above the penis, then insert a moon-shaped piece of medical silicone under the shaft to make it longer and wider. 

Or you could go for a fat transfer, where surgeons take fatty cells from another part of the body and inject them into the shaft. 

Another popular method is called the  suspensory ligament release technique. 

The ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic area is surgically removed.

The angle of the penis changes, making it appear longer. 

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