I’m a ripped diet coach – men can add inches to their penis by following some simple advice

OVERWEIGHT men can add several inches to their penises by shedding some pounds, according to a ripped diet coach.

Chris Cavallini reckons simply eating well and exercising regularly are key to boosting the size of your manhood.

Kennedy NewsChris Cavallini reckons overweight men can increase the size of their manhood by losing weight[/caption]

Kennedy NewsThe diet coach said it’s all thanks to a condition called buried penis syndrome[/caption]

The meal prep company boss said it’s all thanks to a condition called buried penis syndrome.

As the name suggests, it means tissue or fat covers or hides the precious organ.

For every 30lbs (13.6kg) of excess weight, blokes lose an inch of visible penis, Chris, a former Navy diver, said.

Therefore slimming down means fellas will appear to be more well-endowed.

Chris, founder and CEO of Nutrition Solutions, hopes the potential todger increase will inspire men to commit to a healthy diet and fitness plan.

The 40-year-old, from Tampa, Florida, US, said: “From a male perspective, our confidence is very much wrapped up in our physicality and our bodies and that area is something we all take a lot of pride in.

“The cool part is, when you get in better shape, you can actually add inches to your penis.

“For every 30lbs of excess fat you lose, you’ll gain an inch of visible penis.

“As you can imagine, this can be a really strong motivator for men when they understand this to be the case.

“Hopefully it compels them to start being a little bit more mindful about the food they’re putting in their body and the exercise that they’re getting.”

Chris, who had brushes with the law before launching his company in 2012, said he hopes his background and advice will help others achieve their goals.

“I came from nothing – I was in and out of foster homes and I spent time on the street – but I was able to figure it out,” he said.

“I was arrested over 20 times but I am now a multi-millionaire.

“I think that if people want to succeed in accomplishing their fitness goals, the number one thing that needs to change before their diet and going to the gym is the way they think.

“Stop thinking at a low level, posturing yourself as the victim, and start acting in congruence with your higher self.

“It’s only when you’re able to change your thinking that you are able to effectively and sustainably change your life.

“What I’m trying to do is help people examine things from a different, more empowering perspective.”

Kennedy NewsChris wielding a sledgehammer while training[/caption]

Kennedy NewsThe 40-year-old is CEO of meal prep company Nutrition Solutions[/caption]

What is buried penis syndrome?

BURIED, or hidden, penis syndrome is a condition caused by abnormalities in the ligaments, obesity or swelling around the scrotum.

It is most common in infants and toddlers, but it can occur at any age.

Usually, the penis is of “normal” size but is hidden under the skin of the abdomen, thigh or scrotum.

Complications include difficulty urinating, infections, inflamed skin, problems getting an erection and psychological issues like low self-esteem and depression.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause, but it can include surgery, weight loss, “tummy tuck” and skin grafts.

Source: Cleveland Clinic

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