Simple home interiors hack that can ‘slash your risk of killer cancer’

FILLING your home with plants could slash your risk of asthma, anxiety and some forms of cancer, according to a new study.

Scientists found that indoor greenery removed toxic fumes from the air and significantly improved overall wellbeing.

GettyHouse plants can help reduce your risk of health problems, a new study suggests[/caption]

The first-of-its-kind research tested the ability of plants to clear petrol vapours – one of the largest sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in buildings worldwide.

Breathing in such fumes can lead to lung irritation, headaches and nausea, and has been linked to an increased risk of asthma and cancer.

Work carried out by the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, in partnership with plantscaping company Ambius, revealed a simple way to lessen the chances of connected health problems.

They found that after eight hours surrounded by a variety of plants, there was a 97 per cent reduction in the most harmful compounds.

These were deemed “highly carcinogenic” and associated with increased risk of chronic lymphatic leukaemia, early onset asthma and heart disease.

Almost all (98 per cent) lung-damaging alkanes were also removed, as were 88 per cent of cyclopentanes, which can lead to dizziness and loss of consciousness.

The team behind the report said plants could see anxiety levels and negative feelings drop by 40 per cent in Australia alone.

A 60 per cent reduction in sick leave was also possible, they added.

Poor air quality is responsible for 6.7million premature deaths globally every year, according to the World Health Organization.

It is estimated that household air pollution specifically is responsible for 3.2million deaths annually – including 237,000 of children under the age of five.

Most toxins enter buildings through doors and windows from nearby vehicles.

Even if not next door to a highway or garage, emissions from roads are a major source of urban pollution.

Indoor air is said to be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air due to the presence of concentrated VOCs.

Most people spend 90 per cent of their time inside – at home, school or the workplace – so experts say improving air quality is critical.

UTS associate professor Fraser Torpy said: “This is the first time plants have been tested for their ability to remove petrol-related compounds, and the results are astounding.

“Not only can plants remove the majority of pollutants from the air in a matter of hours, they remove the most harmful petrol-related pollutants from the air most efficiently.

“For example, the known carcinogen benzene is digested at a faster rate than less harmful substances, like alcohols.

“We also found that the more concentrated the toxins in the air, the faster and more effective the plants became at removing them, demonstrating that plants adapt to their growing conditions.”

Johan Hodgson, a general manager at Ambius, added: “We know that indoor air quality is often significantly more polluted than outdoor air, which in turn impacts mental and physical health.

“But the great news is this study has shown that something as simple as having plants indoors can make a huge difference.

“The bottom line is that the best, most cost-effective and most sustainable way to combat harmful indoor air contaminants in your workplace and home is to introduce plants.”

The plants used for the study were devil’s ivy (Scindapsus Aureus), spider plant (Chlorophytum) and arrowhead (Syngonium). 

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