Louisiana State Senate Committee Refuses to Block Chinese Purchase of Immovable Property

Louisiana farmland

In what can only be viewed as a massive betrayal of public trust, two days ago a Louisiana Senate Judiciary Committee defeated legislation that would have prohibited sworn adversaries of the United States from purchasing immovable property in the interior of the State.

The Committee is majority Republican, and its Chairman is Senator Barrow Peacock who represents Caddo and Bossier Parishes in North Louisiana. Neither Peacock nor any other Republican committee member opposed a motion by Democrat Senator Jay Luneau to defer Republican Representative Valarie Hodges’ legislation, effectively killing it. The legislation, House Bill 537, had passed overwhelmingly out of the State House and appeared to be a cinch for passage in the Senate.

Due to massive pressure from Louisiana citizens in the face of Peacock’s inaction, it appears that Peacock is close to rescheduling the Bill for consideration before his Committee. If it is not passed in Committee by June 2, there will not be enough time before the June 8 close of the Legislative Session for it to be considered and passed in the full Senate. It is difficult, but not impossible, right now.

Anybody who has any doubt about China’s imperial designs on the United States need only read the recent article by Calder Walton from the Harvard Kennedy School. It is a devastating indictment of China’s all-out efforts to dismantle American critical infrastructure. That a Republican-dominated Committee in Louisiana would fail to move legislation prohibiting the Chinese Communist Party from acquiring immovable property on Louisiana soil is both inexplicable and damning.

The dastardly action by Peacock and his Committee on Tuesday, May 30 is described, in detail, by this writer in a recent The State of Freedom podcast with co-host Danielle Walker. The description begins at 8 minutes, 28 seconds and goes on for several minutes.

This is a moment that demands urgent action by every concerned citizen of our State and Country. If you are reading this, please Call Senator Barrow Peacock’s district office today at (318) 741-7180 and/or email him at [email protected]. Demand that House Bill 537 be heard before his Committee TOMORROW, June 2, 2023.

Also, please call the district office of Senate President Paige Cortez at (337) 993-7430 and email him at [email protected] and demand that House Bill 537 be passed in Committee and scheduled for a full vote in the Senate immediately. If HB 537 does not pass the full Senate this Session, two men are primarily to blame: Senator Barrow Peacock and Senator Paige Cortez. And it should be remembered.

Thomas Paine, in speaking of the American quest for freedom 260 years ago, said that “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his Country.” What just occurred in the Louisiana Senate is, indeed, a crisis of profound significance to the future of our State and our Country. And it cannot be allowed to stand. Nobody is asking that you take up arms, or swim across an ocean. We are asking that you make a phone call and send an email. Your freedom is worth this, and much, much more.

To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, we are the boss, and we will get the kind of government we demand and deserve. Indeed, we will.

J. Christopher Alexander Louisiana Citizen Advocacy Group www.lacag.org.

The post Louisiana State Senate Committee Refuses to Block Chinese Purchase of Immovable Property appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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