Parents set to celebrate first birthday of miracle twins born weighing just 2lb and given 10% chance of survival

TWIN baby sisters defied doctors who gave them just a ten per cent chance of survival — and are now set for their first birthday.

Florence and Mabli Bond were born ten weeks early each weighing only 2lb following their mother’s arduous pregnancy.

WNSTwin sisters Florence and Mabli Bond weighed only 2lb at birth[/caption]

WNSThe miracle tots are set for their first birthday despite doctors giving them just a ten per cent chance of survival[/caption]

But parents Tom and Laureanna, both 31, were then dealt a devastating blow when they were told of the tiny pair’s survival hopes were slim.

But the babies beat the odds — and their delighted family are preparing to celebrate their birthday in July.

Laureanna of Abergele, Conwy, explained: “We were trying to get the pregnancy as far along as possible, every day counted due to the girls’ tiny size.

“It was always a balancing act between the risks of delivering them and the risks of them staying inside in less than optimal conditions.”

Laureanna said her babies — who she has nicknamed her beautiful bees — were delivered by emergency C-section.

WNSParents Tom and Laureanna were devastated to learn of the pair’s tiny survival hopes[/caption]

Shortly afterwards, the girls were separated to be cared for by specialists in different hospitals 13 miles apart.

Dad Tom was at Florence’s side at St Mary’s in Manchester while Laureanna stayed with Mabli in Oldham.

Laureanna said: “I said goodbye to Florence and I didn’t know if I would ever see her alive again, I felt like shutting down.

“I didn’t feel like I could cope with the stresses anymore but I knew I had to keep going for Mabli.

“As often as my health would allow we travelled between them — having to pull ourselves away from one of them in order to be with the other.

“It’s hard to put into words the feelings that came with that.”

The family finally returned home following weeks of specialist care and have spent the past ten months attending medical appointments.

The couple are now raising money to thank the charities which have helped them through their struggles.

Laureanna said: “The experience was easily the most traumatic thing I have ever been through.

“We spent weeks wondering if our babies were going to survive and whether we would all make it home.

“There were several charities that, in those dark days, made things slightly easier.

“We now want to do our part and help raise some money to help them continue the wonderful work they do to help parents and families like ours.”

The couple will walk 13 miles — — the same distance their daughters were kept apart in hospital — from Prestatyn to Colwyn Bay on July 15 to raise money.

Money raised will be donated to Spoons, Cuddles, Ronald McDonald House, Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets UK and Homestart.

WNSThe twins are preparing to celebrate their birthday in July[/caption]  Read More 
