DO you look your age?
The saying goes you should never ask a woman her age.
Angela says people think she looks 18TikTok/@ang.ela6988
But some numbers seem just too high to believe.
The ‘I look younger than I am’ trend has really taken off on social media with massive debates on how old people look.
But are some people just in denial about how old they look?
One mum shared her real age online and it got viewers confused.
Angela is a mother and lifestyle influencer on Tiktok with over 286,000 followers.
She shared a video online saying people thought she looked 18 when she was actually way older.
Angela imitated others saying: “You’re just a baby… you gotta be like 18”.
Then she said: “Okay maybe 21”
To which Angela replied: “A little bit older.”
Then she said: “25?”
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Angela said: “A little bit older.”
The mom the confessed she has turned 35 in November.
Angela’s video gained over 825,000 views.
Commenters debated in the comments whether or not the mum looked younger than her true age.
One commenter said: “This may be the first TikTok I’ve seen where someone looks younger than their age! You look so good girl!! I would never guess you’re older than me!”
Another commenter said: “You look young but not 18 may be more like the mid 20s.”
Other commenters could tell the mum was millennial but her hairstyle and clothes.
One commenter said: “The side part gave it away, I knew you had to be at least 30 lol.”
Another commuter said: “You have young features! I can just tell you’re older based on your style and skin texture but you look good!!”
Angela is a 35 year old mumTikTok/@ang.ela6988 Read More