I’m a nutritionist – here’s why you should never skip breakfast for weight loss

OFTEN find yourself skipping breakfast? Whether you simply can’t stomach eating first thing, or perhaps you’re a fan of fasting, there’s several reasons why you might swerve brekkie.

You might even skip it in a bid to lose some unwanted pounds

GettySkipping breakfast might not be doing your weight loss goals any favours[/caption]

However, Jess Hillard, Sports Nutritionist at Warrior, says breakfast is called the ‘most important meal of the day’ for good reason.

“Breaking it down, we are breaking the fast that has happened overnight,” explains Jess. 

“The body has not eaten for however many hours you have been asleep and breaking the fast allows the body to wake up again, have fuel for the day, feel energised, and allow you to carry out whatever activities you have on that day.”

She adds that breakfast also accounts for 25 per cent of our daily nutrients: “By not having breakfast, you are missing out on a massive chunk of vitamins and minerals in the first part of your day.”

For women in particular, skipping breakfast can actually be detrimental to weight loss goals. 

To kick off your day, Jess says it’s usually best to eat within an hour of waking in the morning, if possible, as this prevents a blood sugar spike later in the day. 

“This blood sugar spike can put undue stress on the body as well as leading to poor dietary choices,” she explains.

Need some more convincing as to why you should eat breakfast? Here’s why it can help support weight loss…

Breakfast can stop you bingeing later 

“Skipping meals can cause your body to produce more of the hunger hormone, Ghrelin,” says Jess.

“This can result in hunger pains and those awkwardly timed tummy growls that nobody wants.”

Skipping meals can also reduce the amount of the hormone leptin. This hormone actually decreases appetite. 

“This means that when you finally do get round to eating, you won’t feel full and are more likely to snack or binge,” says Jess. 

And let’s be honest, it’s likely that the foods you choose to snack on when you’re hungry are calorific, sugary and high in fat. 

Think chocolate, crisps, cakes and other processed foods; not ideal for hitting those weight loss goals!

Bingeing leads to blood sugar issues

Jess says these hunger binges can cause a blood sugar spike after lunch and dinner. 

“This is because blood sugar is harder to control the later in the day it gets once it dips, so if your body is not getting the regular supply of energy it needs from food throughout the day, it will cause an overdrive, leading to a spike,” she notes.

Continually having blood sugar spikes can lead to a dampened mood, anxiety, sleep deprivation and unstable mood swings

Plus, these can be detrimental to weight loss.

“It is also worth noting that continuously skipping meals, especially breakfast, will use a lot of your hormone progesterone to create cortisol, the stress hormone. 

“This results in a dominance in the hormone oestrogen and can present a variety of symptoms including PMS, irritability, breast tenderness, bloating, headaches and an irregular cycle,” says Jess.

Skipping breakfast can play havoc with hormones

“Various studies have shown that fasting can potentially have a negative effect on women’s reproductive hormones. 

“It has been shown that fasting can reduce the efficiency of ovarian function, and can in some cases reduce the quality of egg production,” explains Jess.

She adds that fasting can cause a significant shock to the body which can result in irregular periods and a disturbed menstrual cycle. 

“This is because fasting can reduce the production of reproductive hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle. 

“In the same vein, fasting can cause you to have an underactive thyroid and slow down the release of thyroid hormones, which again, may create issues with fertility.”

On the flip side though, it’s worth noting that some research has shown fasting to have a positive impact on women who have historically suffered with polycystic ovary syndrome

“Fasting can enable hormones to be regulated better, and cause a decrease in fat tissue, which is something that tends to exacerbate PCOS symptoms,” says Jess.

Healthy breakfast choices to support weight loss 

“There are a myriad of breakfast options that can be adapted to different needs, whether for those who need to eat on the go or in a rush, or for those who prefer sweet to savoury – the options of healthy breakfast choices are endless,” explains Jess.

Oats are a great option as they can be served in lots of different ways.

Try warming oats with milk and protein powder to make a filling protein porridge and top with fruit and greek yoghurt.

Or make overnight oats by mixing yoghurt and chia seeds, leaving in the fridge overnight and then mixing with a small handful of nuts and dried fruits.

“If you are more of a savoury person, then eggs are a brilliant option,” says Jess.

“You can cook these in the oven in breakfast muffin cases. These are a great grab and go option. Mix the eggs with sliced red peppers and spinach.

“Or if you have more time, poached eggs with some spinach and avocado on a slice of wholegrain toast is a great and filling breakfast.”

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