Warning over essential household appliance that could add hundreds to energy bills – and how to avoid it

ENERGY bills remain high but the cost of running one popular household appliance could dramatically increase your costs.

American-style fridge freezers are great for holding tonnes of food but it comes at one big cost, according to Which?.

GettyAmerican-style fridge freezers cost 44% more to run than standard fridge freezers, according to Which?[/caption]

The consumer group said the average American-style fridge freezer costs 44% more to run compared to a standard freestanding version.

A typical fridge freezer costs around £101 a year to run, while an American-style version costs £145 a year – which works out at £44 more on average.

Which? said in its findings: “Fridge freezer running costs vary from less than £50 to nearly £217 per year, depending on the type and size you choose.

“Large American fridge freezers can cost from as little as £105 to more than £216, so choosing the right one will reflect directly on your energy bills each month.”

The popular kitchen staple is also an expensive investment which many families might not want to splurge on.

According to Which?’s latest figures, shoppers end up spending between £500 and £3,000 when buying American-style fridge freezers.

But if you are caught up on the hype and in need of a new fridge freezer make sure to check out the appliance’s energy efficiency labels.

Certain energy efficiency labels will help you compare which appliances are on the cheaper side to run.

Appliances are ranked from A to G, with A being the most efficient.

The icons on these labels can tell you how much energy the appliance uses per hour, how much it can hold, what the noise output is and how much water it uses if applicable.

When choosing to buy a new fridge freezer, always take into account the product’s efficiency label as well as its price.

It’s also wise to shop around first to see which companies are selling the item you’re after for the cheapest price.

If you’re not after a new fridge freezer or are looking at ways to cut your energy bills there are still a number of steps you can take at home.

How can I cut my fridge freezer costs?

Keeping your fridge freezer in the wrong location could be decreasing its efficiency by up to 15%, according to some experts.

That’s the equivalent of adding an extra £75 onto bills by the end of the year.

Nicholas Auckland, heating and energy expert from Trade Radiators, said: “A poorly located fridge, next to heat sources like ovens and radiators, positioned in direct sunlight or fitted in a space with inadequate ventilation around it, can be costing you more money than it should.

“To avoid this, ensure there’s around 5cm of free space around the sides, the back and top of the refrigerator for ventilation.

“This air gap allows for the heat generated by the compressor to be dispersed without building up.”

You can also cut costs by regularly cleaning behind the appliance to make sure that the coils don’t clog up – this ensures that it can work as efficiently as possible.

Meanwhile, make sure to not leave the doors open for too long, especially on hot days.

This will cause the temperature to rise, meaning your appliance will have to work harder to cool down.

Plus, keeping your fridge-freezer well-stocked means it will use less energy. Even filling the unit with water bottles will act to cool it down.

But make sure you don’t overfill it, and don’t leave products too near the ventilating outlets as keeping space at the top and sides of your fridge helps the cool air move around easier.

And make sure you could set your fridge-freezer to the exact correct temperature – between 2°C and 6°C for a fridge and -18°C for a freezer.

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