How long does it take to tan in the sun and can I still tan with SPF 50?

With summer soon approaching, it’s time to pick up your strongest SPF to protect your skin.

But can you still fan with SPF 50? Here’s everything you need to know.

Alamy Read on to find out how SPF affects your tan – and your health[/caption]

British dermatologists say people in the UK have an unhealthy relationship with tanning.

Even though they are aware of the risks of sun exposure, they don’t particularly care to change their behaviour.

Getting the perfect tan takes a while for most people (while some are lucky to go golden in just a day).

But before you assume that wearing suncream will slow down your glow, read more on how SPF impacts your tan – and health.

How long does it take to tan in the sun?

Everyone has different skin which means everyone’s tanning time will be different.

Some people may gain colour from the sun in a few hours and others tend to burn if they sunbathe for the same amount of time.

The main way to judge roughly how long it will take is by knowing your skin tone.

Melanin is a pigment that influences your skin colour, as well as eyes and hair.

People with less melanin have fairer skin which burns more easily, and may do better sunbathing in short bursts.

On the other hand, if you have more melanin in your skin, you can get a darker colour in a matter of minutes or hours.

Regardless of your skin tone, you should wear SPF because it protects the skin from DNA damage, which leads to cancer, caused by UV rays.

The Skin Cancer Foundation says: “Men, women and children over 6 months of age should use sunscreen every day.

“This includes people who tan easily and those who don’t — remember, your skin is damaged by sun exposure over your lifetime, whether or not you burn.”

Can you still tan using SPF50?

The simple answer is yes, you can still tan using every SPF factor whether it is 15, 30 or 50+.

The way SPF works is that sunscreen acts as a barrier so that only a certain amount of UV gets through to your skin.

It will take you longer to tan but remember, you are protecting your skin and preventing deadly disease.

An SPF of 30 filters out 96.7 per cent of UV rays, while and SPF of 50 filters out 98 per cent – there isn’t a sunscreen than can guarantee 100 per cent protection.

ABC Australia reported if your unprotected skin would take 10 minutes to show signs of burning, then properly applying factor 50 would make the rate of burning 50 times longer (so 500 minutes/more than eight hours).

Factor 30 would be 30 minutes longer (300 minutes/five hours); and factor 15 would be therefore take 150 minutes (an hour and a half) longer to show signs of burning.

But in the real world, you’ll likely burn if you don’t reapply your suncream for hours on end.

The SPF doesn’t affect your tanning time or colour gained, it just means you can spend longer in the sun before risk of burning.

But remember, you have to top-up your suncream every couple of hours when in the sun.

You should also reapply after you have been in water, even if your sunscreen is “water resistant”, after towel drying, sweating or when it may have rubbed off.

Can I get a tan in the shade?

Yes, tanning in the shade is possible.

The sun reflects off of objects in the environment and onto skin.

Certain environmental factors such as bright snow or pale beach sand can reflect the sun’s rays to your skin, even while sitting in the shade.

For example, experts from Queensland University of Technology said sand can reflect as much as 25 per cent of UV radiation.

That’s why the professionals at have said while shade is a potentially valuable means of protection from the damaging effects of the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays, not all shade is equally protective.

They also go on to say people can spend long hours in the shade while still receiving quite a lot of sun exposure and risking skin damage.

UVB rays, often considered the most harmful part of sunlight, can reach the skin indirectly.

So, even if you’re not directly in the sun you still need to wear a sunscreen with an SPF factor in it.

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