I’m a dietitian – here are 5 foods that are healthier to buy frozen

A DIETITIAN has revealed five foods that she says are healthier to buy frozen.

Plenty of foods still retain their nutritional value after a stint in the freezer.

A dietitian has revealed the five foods that she says are healthier to buy frozen

Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert told The Sun: “Frozen foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, and meats and even breads that are fortified with vitamins and minerals, are just as nutritious as fresh.

“Frozen items tend to be cheaper than most fresh produce too so these are a great option if you’re looking to save some money,” she added.

Opting for frozen produce can also be a great way to help reduce food waste, Rhiannon said, as things can be frozen and then eaten at a later date.

Less food waste will also mean you’re not wasting money on meals.

This is especially important as the cost of living continues to bite and everyday food essentials face price increases.

Hard-pressed Brits have been hammered by 45-year high food inflation with official figures showing that groceries cost on average 19 per cent more than a year ago.

Here are five food that are actually cheaper – and healthier – to buy frozen.

1. Frozen peas

Many of us will already have a bag of peas in floating about our freezer.

This British staple is much cheaper to buy frozen than fresh and is an easy addition to any meal if you’re looking to get your greens in.

They also contain a fair amount of fibre, antioxidants and vitamins, as well as heart-healthy minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium.

2. Frozen chopped garlic

Garlic lovers out there will know that peeling and chopping the pungent cloves can be a bit of a faff.

So keeping a bag of frozen and chopped garlic in your freezer will save you time as well as money.

The bulbs won’t lose their flavour when frozen, though they might lose some of their pungency, according to Huffington Post.

And you can continue reaping garlic’s benefits – its main active ingredient, allicin, can support your immune system to fight viruses.

A clinical trial, in which people who took a garlic supplement daily were less likely to get a cold, and had shorter recovery times if they did catch one.

3. Frozen broccoli

Broccoli is another one of those veggies that are easy to slot into your meal and pack a nutritional punch even when frozen.

Eating this superfood can can significantly improve your gut health, according to a recent study, as well as supporting weight management, brain health, inflammation and immune function.

No need to defrost before cooking – and that only takes five to 10 minutes.

4. Frozen fish

As Rhiannon recently told The Sun, eating fish frozen can be much more accessible.

Freezing won’t dampen its nutritional value – you’ll still reap the benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D and B2 it contains.

5. Frozen berries

Berries tossed in a bowl of yoghurt is a healthy breakfast staple.

But often the punnets of fresh fruit will only contain a handful of them – buying them frozen will mean you’ll have more of them for less and they’ll last longer.

There’s nothing worse that your berries going mouldy after just a couple days in the fridge.

According to a South Dakota State University study, frozen blueberries contain more antioxidants, which can help to fight disease including cancer.

And frozen raspberries are a great source of vitamin C, which’ll give your immune system a boost.

But there are some frozen foods nutritionist Signe Svanfeldt warned we should keep to a minimum in our diets, as they’re low in nutrients while high in sodium, saturated fats and added sugar.

This included frozen pizzas, chips, sausages and pies.

“We should aim to eat these in lower amounts, as a high intake of these foods have been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseasestype-2 diabetes and obesity,” Signe said.

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