Worrying health symptoms that could mean you have rats in your home revealed

RATS are one of the least welcome guests in your home.

And amid fears that 2ft long rats that are immune to poisons are invading our homes, Brits must be aware of the health concerns that come with having a rat problem in your home.

GettyRats can bring a number of health-related problems with them[/caption]

While rats themselves can be clean, they also carry a wide range of organisms that carry disease.

You may not even need to come into contact with rats to suffer from health problems.

Instead, humans can be at risk by inhaling air that is contaminated with rodent faeces and urine or ingesting food or drink that has come into contact with the vermin.

According to Rentokil, one of the most common bacteria that rats can carry is Salmonella.

Symptoms of the bacterial disease include diarrhoea, fever, vomiting and abdominal cramps.

Symptoms tend to last between four and seven days and will not require treatment – although in extreme cases sufferers need hospital care for the resulting dehydration, which can be dangerous.

Another infection that can affect humans who have come into contact with rats is Leptospirosis.

It can be caught from the urine of animals that are infected by the bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics.

Symptoms include headache, chills, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, redness of the eyes, diarrhoea and a skin rash.

If untreated, there is a chance that Leptospirosis can develop into a more serious form of Weil’s disease.

The symptoms of this disease include swollen ankles, chest pain and coughing up blood – with immediate hospitalisation requested.

Homeowners are also at risk of rate bite fever if the rodents are present in their homes.

The fever is caused by the bacteria Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus – with a person catching the fever if they have been bitten or scratched by an infected animal.

It can also be caught if someone ingests food or drink contaminated with rodent faeces or urine.

Symptoms include fever, vomiting, muscle pain, headache, joint pain, rash.

If untreated, it can then escalate into an ulcer or swollen lymph nodes.

But it’s not all doom and gloom, with rat experts giving advice on how to keep the vermin out.

The pest control experts from online garden centre Primrose said that one everyday ingredient from your kitchen is better at warding off rats than either traps or poison – mixing cayenne pepper or chilli flakes with water.

Sieve out the chilli flakes, add biodegradable castile soap and pour the mixture into a spray bottle – then apply liberally wherever there might be rats.

Another common cupboard item can also be used to ward off the spice-averse rodents.

There are multiple ways you can avoid rat outbreaks, like covering holes or gaps in walls and around pipes.

Home Serve also suggests clearing up fallen fruit from trees and bushes as well as avoiding planting bushes closer than 3ft from your home.

Make sure if you’re growing vegetables you harvest them promptly.

Rats hate the smell of mint, so savvy homeowners might want to plant some towards the back and front entrances of your home.

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