Major change to vapes WILL stop teenagers puffing on them, scientists say

MINISTERS’ plan to ban fruity vape flavours will stop teens using them, a study suggests.

Four in 10 kids and young adults in a US poll said they would ditch e-cigarettes if only tobacco and menthol flavours were available.

GettyBanning fruity, sickly-sweet vape flavours could help stop teenagers from using them, a study by Ohio State University suggests[/caption]

The findings come after The Sun revealed the Government will clamp down on candy-flavoured throwaway vapes.

Researchers looked at more than 1,400 users aged 14 to 21 to see how restricting flavours impacted how much they vaped.

Dr Alayna Tackett, of Ohio State University, said: “The restriction of the availability for certain e-cigarette e-liquid flavours has been considered by various regulatory agencies.

“We were interested in surveying youth to understand what choices they might make should regulatory policies only allow menthol or tobacco flavours in e-cigarette products.

“It appears non-tobacco flavours may be important for their interest in and continued use of e-cigarettes.”

Earlier this week, Australia announced it is banning all “recreational” vaping, with only those prescribed e-cigarettes to quit traditional tobacco able to use them.

One in five smokers in England will receive a free vape starter kit to help them give up fags as part of an anti-smoking drive, ministers announced last month.

Research shows vapes are less harmful than regular cigarettes, but are not entirely risk-free.

Officials are particularly concerned about rising use in teens, with bright colours and sickly-sweet flavours attracting a new generation of nicotine addicts.

The Sun revealed public health minister Neil O’Brien launched a review into the “appearance and characteristics” of products that could be encouraging young vapers.

Popular flavours like Apple Peach, Cotton Candy Ice, Pink Grapefruit and Strawberry Kiwi face disappearing from the shops as a result.

The latest study, published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, surveyed teen e-cig users in the US.

They were asked what flavours they usually bought, picking from tobacco, menthol, cool mint, fruit ice or fruit/sweet.

Participants were also asked what they would do if a law-change to ban all but tobacco or menthol-flavoured vapes was brought in.

More than 38 per cent said they would stop vaping, with more than 70 per cent saying they would quit if only tobacco-flavoured e-cigs were available.

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